
Birding Mount Merapi - Yogyakarta Indonesia

Subject: Birding Mount Merapi - Yogyakarta Indonesia
From: Steve Potter <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 08:02:31 +0700
Hi Folks,
I know it's not Aus but as many of us head north for various reasons and do
a bit of birding on the way, I thought I'd post this.

This am I went up Mount Merapi near Yogyakata in Central Java with a local
birder, Satriya.
I discovered that Central Java has a thriving birding community with some
20 birding clubs! I now understand that there are many great birding spots
around if you can find the right person to ask...
I also discovered that although the 2010 volcano eruption did a great deal
of damage, much of the bird life has returned!
I did a 4 hour hike up from the entrance to the National Park to some caves
built by the Japanese in WW2 and return.
We saw 24 species all up including the eye-gouging Sunda Minirvet, and
recently split Javan Whistling-Thrush. Indigo and Blue-and-White Flyctacher
were also amazing as was White-flanked Sunbird.
I would have loved more time but I had to fly to Bali. The region boasts
over 220 spices with around 115 on Merapi. Satriya's best Merapi day out
was 42.

Also if you are interested, I am compiling a list of local borders in
Indonesia, who are willing to take foreigners around at a reasonable cost.
Email me if you would like to be kept up to date.

Steve Potter

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