James Lee

Dr. Shiping Chen

Principal Research Scientist | Conjoint Professor | FIET | SMIEEE

Contact Me

About Me

Dr. Shiping Chen is a principal research scientist in CSIRO Data61. He also holds an conjoint Professor with the University of New Suouth Wales (UNSW) and Macquarie University. He has been working on distributed systems for over 20 years with focus on performance and security. He has published 240+ research papers and technical reports in these areas. He has been actively participating in research communities through publishing papers, journal editorships and conference PC/Chair services. His current research interests include: application security, blockchain and service-oriented trusted collaboration. He is a Fellow of Institute of Engineering Technology (FIET) and a senior member of the IEEE (SMIEEE).

Research Topics for PhD Students

I am looking for enthusiastic students, who are keen to pursure their PhD degrees by tackling real problems and exploring new technologies, including (but not limited to) the following research topics:

Application Security

(a) Mobile App Security; (b) Web/Cloud Application Security; (c) Software Verfication and Testing


(a) Blockchain Architecture and Consensus (b) Blockchain Simulation; (c) Blockchain Killer Applications

Service Computing

(a) Service Model; (b) Serviec Trust Model; (c) Trusted Serviec Collaboration

PhD Scholarships

There are a variety of PhD scholarships avaliable to apply, including:

Universities Scholarships

Each year, Australian universities provides various postgraduate awards/scholarships to support both local and overseas students to do PhD research. Here is an exmaple for UNSW. Please go to your interested universities' website to find more details for each scholarship.


CSIRO Data61 PhD full/top-up scholarships

Each year, CSIRO Data61 provides both full (~AUS$30,000) and top-up (~AUS$10,000) scholarships to Australian universities to encurage collaborative research projects align with CSIRO Data61 Research Strategy by co-supervsing PhD students.


CSC Scholarships

Each year, CSC (Chinese Scholarship Council) provides funding to support Chinese students & scholars to visit CSIRO to work with us for 1 year. CSC also provides full schoalrships to support students to do a whole PhD in Australia.


Please contact me directly to discuss which scholarship is the best suitable for you.

Current Projects

project name

Big Data Challenages, funded by Queensland State Government (2017 - Present)

This is the 1st collaborative project between CSIRO Data61 and Queensland Government to tackle Government data challenages. This project aims to build a data sharing platform to faciliate realtime data sharing acorss government agences.

project name

Blockchain - Proof of Concept (2017 - Present)

The project explores some of the technical risks and opportunities in the application of blockchain technologies within government and industry, and how to assess whether blockchain-based systems will meet critical requirements. The project explores this primarily through the description and analysis of high-level design alternatives for illustrative ‘use cases’.

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project name

SCoP - Secure Collaboration Platform (2015-2016)

This project designed and developed a process-based secure collaboration platform to faciliate multi-party business collaboration.

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project name

AU2EU - Authentication and Authorisation for Entrusted Unions (2013 - 2015)

AU2EU is an EU-funded collaborative research and development project. The project brings together a strong collaboration of leading industry and research organisations from Europe and Australia, determined to increase trust, security and privacy.

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