

To: "birding Aus" <>
Subject: bowerbirds
From: Goodfellow <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 01 09:17:37 +0000
Good morning all 

The following email was sent to me by an American birdwatcher I took out 
last year, in response to a letter I sent her and several other friends 
and colleagues regarding the collection of bowerbirds.  She has forwarded 
it to the Queensland Premier and his Minister for the Environment.  
Perhaps those of you concerned about this issue  might take a copy and 
send it to your local members and newspapers.  

  It has been brought to my attention that the National Institute of
Health in the U.S. has agreed to fund a project for Dr. E. Day involving
the killing of 42 breeding bowerbirds in Queensland, Australia.  This
being done for several reasons but the one that really hits me is
Alzheimer research.  As a person who has been conservator for my aunt,
while she died a slow death from this monster, and watched my father
battle it for ten years and am now watching my mother battle its final
stages, you would expect me to be all for this research.  NOT IF IT

I was fortunate enough to spend eight weeks in
Australia this past year and much of that time was spent enjoying your
wonderful bird population.  This researcher would never get to first
base in the U.S. with a request like this.  We love our birds here
also.  I find it difficult enough to see research being done where
laboratory mice are concerned.  I do feel that much has been gained this
way and this is what they are specifically being raised for.  Even with
the distinct possibility that I may suffer from Alzheimers myself
because of genes possibly involved, I still say that killing birds is
not the way to resolve this.  Protect your birds and your people who
love them from this person and any others like her.  I am sorry to say I
live in the same country she is from.  Please consider this research in
your area carefully.  Thank you for your time with this matter.
Sandra J. Soash
1031 3rd Ave. N.E.
Waverly, IA  50677  USA

Denise Goodfellow (Lawungkurr Maralngurra)
Specialist Guide
Ph/fax 08 89818492
PO Box 39373

Parap Bookshop
2ndhand and new books
08 89813922

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