COMP1011 Exercises for Week 12
Computing 1A 05s2 Last updated Tue 19 Jul 2005 14:37

Lab Exercises Week 12


Ex 1:

Recall the notion of a depth of a tree that we discussed in the lecture, which is the maximum distance between the root of a tree and any of its leaves. Implement a polymorphic function
depthTree :: Tree a -> Int

which computes the depth of a tree. For example, we have

Tree> depthTree Leaf 
Tree> depthTree (Node 1 Leaf  Leaf )
Tree> depthTree (Node 2 Leaf (Node 3 Leaf Leaf))
When you have completed the above exercises show them to your tutor for this week's core mark.

Ex 2:

Implement a function reverseTree:: Tree a -> Tree a which reverses the order of the elements in the tree by swaping the left and the right subtree of each node.

    4                               4
   / \                             / \
  2   6              ===>         6   2
 /   / \                         / \   \
1   5   7                       7   5   1
When you have completed the above exercises show them to your tutor for this week's advanced mark.