COMP1011 Exercises for Week 11
Computing 1A 05s2 Last updated Tue 19 Jul 2005 14:37

Lab Exercises Week 11


For this week's lab exercises, create a file Lab11.hs. In this file enter the function definitions appearing in the exercises below. Then, following the function definitions, in a multi-line comment, enter the derivation for the timing function and the proof that the function is in a certain O-class. So, overall, the structure should be as follows:

foo :: <some type signature>
foo ...<definition of the function>

{- ------------




Ex 1:

Given the following function definition:

foo:: [Int] -> Int
foo []     = []
foo (x:xs) = (bar xs) + (foo xs)

  1. Derive the timing function for foo under the assumetion that Tbar(n) = 2 (n is the length of the input list). Does foo have constant, linear or quadratic work complexity? Justify your answer (which O-class? Provide witnesses c and n0 to the proof)

  2. Derive the timing function for foo under the assumetion that Tbar(n) = 3 * n + 1 (n is the length of the input list). Does foo have constant, linear or quadratic work complexity? Justify your answer (which O-class? Provide witnesses c and n0 to the proof or use the observations discussed in the lecture)
When you have completed the above exercise show it to your tutor for this week's core mark.

Ex 2:

The following program is yet another definition of a function that sorts the elements of a list.
Ord a => [a] -> [a]
bubbleSort:: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
bubbleSort xs
  | xs == xs' = xs
  | otherwise = bubbleSort xs'     
     xs' = bubble xs
     bubble (x:y: xs)
       | x < y     = x : (bubble (y:xs))
       | otherwise = y : (bubble (x:xs))
     bubble xs = xs
  1. Assume comparing two lists (==) has constant work complexity (i.e, n:length of first list, m: length of second list, T==(n,m) = 1) . What is the asymptotic work complexity of bubbleSort in the worst case and the best case?
Hint: To understand bubbleSort, use stepwise evaluation to evaluate bubbleSort [2,1,4,3] and bubble [4,3,2,1]. How does bubble alter the order of elements in a list? Under which condition is bubble xs == xs?

When you have completed the above exercise show it to your tutor for this week's advanced mark.

Additional Exercise

Does the asymptotic work complexity of bubbleSort change if you use the (more realistic) assumption that
T== (m,n) = min (m,n)?