[The University of New South Wales]

COMP 1711
Hey! Das ist mein Haskell!
2005 Session 1

School of Computer Science and Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia

Richard's Consultations

This document will be updated from time to time. Check web regularly for the latest version.

For all serious problems with the subject.

Before coming to see Richard please first try your tutor and then a teaching consultion or an admin consultation first. Only come to Richard's consult if these approaches are unsuccessful.

Richard's Wednesday consultations are held in the room K17-402 (off the foyer four floors above the School Office). (Immediately before the consult starts each week i'm in a meeting on level 2 - so if i'm running late you can come down to level 2 and look for me.

Richard's Thursday consultation is in EELG1 - I'll stay around in the lecture theatre between lectures and answer any questions or help anyone would would like some help. (except in weeks where we run an optional lecture in this timeslot ofcourse).

The consultations start from week 2.

In week 9 I won't be able to attend the Wednesday consultation.

You can also come and see richard at the end of any lecture.

Start   Monday    Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday   Friday
09:00  ......................................................  09:00
10:00  ......................................................  10:00
11:00  ......................................................  11:00
12:00  ......................................................  12:00
13:00  ......................................................  13:00
14:00  .................................Richard..............  14:00
15:00  ......................Richard.........................  15:00
16:00  ......................Richard*........................  16:00
17:00  ......................................................  17:00

* if there is demand i'll keep the Wednesday consultation running
after 4pm, however in some weeks i have to collect the girls from
childcare and will have to leave by 4:30.

1711 Homepage last modified 1 May 2003 | maintained by richard buckland