[The University of New South Wales]

Triple M rocks Higher Comp 1A
2004 Session 1

School of Computer Science and Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia

Request to enroll in COMP1711

To enroll in comp1711 (including those who wish to transfer in from comp1011) you need school consent. We will grant this automatically on your submitting this form providing there are places available in the subject and providing you apply before the end of week 4. To apply you need to print this form out, fill it in, read it, sign it, and take it to the CSE school office on the ground floor of the K17 building.

Session2004 session 1
Given name(s) 
Student Number 

I wish to enroll in/ transfer to COMP1711. I understand that:

  1. I am not required to do 1711, I am choosing to do 1711.
  2. I will get no additional credit for doing 1711 rather than 1011.
  3. Material in 1711 will covered more rapidly than in 1011.
  4. 1711 may involve more assignment work than 1011
  5. I may find 1711 harder than 1011 and other non-advanced subjects
  6. Additional material may be covered in 1711 over and above the core material taught in 1011. Some of this additional material may be examinable.
  7. 1711 does not assume that I have had any prior programming background or experience. However if I do not have any then I might find it harder than students with some background.
  8. Transferring down to 1011 once term has started will depend on being able to attend one of the tutorials which is not full.
  9. Transferring down to 1011 may initially involve additional catchup work as the two subjects will differ in pace and content.
  10. The 1711 lecture timetable may change.
  11. 1711 might be more fun than 1011, then again, it might not.

I have read and understand all the above and STILL wish to do COMP1711. I agree that this is my own decision and I take responsibility for it.

signed: ____________________________________


1-6: Presumably you already knew these
7: I added this as in 2002 one student without prior experience grumbled about it being harder for him. I should point out that many students with no prior experience go extremely well in this subject and I can detect no correlation between past experience and performance in the subject. However, if you have not programmed before you *will* have to work harder for the first few weeks.
8: It's important to note that while there will be a number of 1011 tutorials with vacancies these may not be at times you like.
9: Anyone wishing to transfer to 1011 must do so by the end of week 4.
10: Check the CSE website to ensure you have the latest timetable.
11: The whole point of offering 1711 is to make it more fun for motivated students. If you take it but don't enjoy it then you should drop down to 1011 by the end of week 4.

1711 Homepage last modified 2 March 2004 | maintained by richard buckland