[The University of New South Wales]

Triple M rocks Higher Comp 1A
2004 Session 1

School of Computer Science and Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia

Tutorial Presentation Information Page

Every COMP1711 student will do one tutorial presentation during the session.

What is it?

It is an informal presentation to the rest of your tutorial class where you explain somthing to them. The topic to be explained will be provided at the top of the tutorial exercises for that week.

This is not supposed to be a hard assesment task. It is designed to help you and your tutorial class learn several of the important things you would otherwise have to learn on your own.

What do I have to do?

You have to spend 10 minutes explaining the topic to your tutorial. You should allow time for people to ask questions. The presentation need not be formal.

You are not supposed to have done intensive research on the topic, but you are expected to have put a non-trivial effort into it and to understand the topic yourself.

As a rough guide one to two hours preparation should be sufficient but give yourself a little more time if you are unsure of the topic.

How do I get a partner?

Your tutor will put you in pairs and allocate each pair a week to do their presentation. If you are unable to attend that week or wish to change to another week arrange this with your tutor well in advance. They may be able to help you do this.

Some students will end up doing the presentation on their own - so be prepared for this possibility. Your partner may be sick, may forget, may drop out of the subject, you may be in a tutorial with an odd number of students and not be given a partner, ...

What happens if i fail, freeze, or forget to turn up?

If time permits your tutor may allow you to have a second chance on another topic in a subsequent week.

How is it assessed?

You will be assessed on how well you explain the topic. Not on how slick the presentation is. You tutor will probably ask your class for their opinion of your presentation.

If you do a satisfactory presentation you will be awarded 5 tutorial marks. Otherwise you will be awarded 0. There are no intermediate marks. If you do a reasonable effort you should have no worries about passing.

Both partners have to demonstrate that they understand the topic. If only one student does most of the talking in the presentation then the other should answer most of the questions.

1711 Homepage last modified 11 March 2004 | maintained by richard buckland