*** JUDGE02 *** CONF_10[13:41:18]Hello CONF_10[13:41:18] JUDGE02[13:41:27]Hi! How are you? JUDGE02[13:41:27] CONF_10[13:41:33]I'm fine CONF_10[13:41:34] JUDGE02[13:41:40]What's your name? JUDGE02[13:41:40] CONF_10[13:41:51]My name is Chris. What is your name? CONF_10[13:41:51] JUDGE02[13:42: 4]My name's Benita. Are you enjoying yourself? JUDGE02[13:42: 5] CONF_10[13:42: 7]Yes. CONF_10[13:42: 7] JUDGE02[13:42:21]Have you done anything like this before? JUDGE02[13:42:21] CONF_10[13:42:42]No I have never done anything like this. How about you? CONF_10[13:42:42] JUDGE02[13:42:50]No, neither. JUDGE02[13:42:51] CONF_10[13:42:58]So what do you do? CONF_10[13:42:58] JUDGE02[13:43:10]I'm an Occupational Therapist. What do you do? JUDGE02[13:43:10] CONF_10[13:43:20]I am a computer science student CONF_10[13:43:21] JUDGE02[13:43:32]Oh, you may know my sister Tiffany. JUDGE02[13:43:33] CONF_10[13:43:44]No, I have never met a tiffany before. CONF_10[13:43:44] JUDGE02[13:43:53]Do you like computer science? JUDGE02[13:43:53] CONF_10[13:44: 8]It is quite fun, except for assignments. CONF_10[13:44: 8] JUDGE02[13:44:29]Yes, they're the thorn in the rose, aren't they? JUDGE02[13:44:29] CONF_10[13:44:51]I suppose. So did you do anything interesting last weekend? CONF_10[13:44:51] JUDGE02[13:45:17]Umm, I went to a friend's wedding whhich was nice. JUDGE02[13:45:18] CONF_10[13:45:35]That's good. Was it a large wedding? CONF_10[13:45:35] JUDGE02[13:45:52]Yes, there was 10 people in the bridal party!! They hardly fit in the JUDGE02[13:45:59]church. Are you married? JUDGE02[13:45:59] CONF_10[13:46:10]No, I'm not. Are you married? CONF_10[13:46:10] JUDGE02[13:46:30]No, but I seem to be going to lots of weddings lately.\ JUDGE02[13:46:31] CONF_10[13:46:59]How many weddings haev you been to? CONF_10[13:47: 1] JUDGE02[13:47:33]6 or 7 I guess. What did you do last weekend? JUDGE02[13:47:33] CONF_10[13:47:52]Ummm, I can't remember...... CONF_10[13:48: 3]Oh yes, I went and saw a movie. CONF_10[13:48: 3] JUDGE02[13:48: 6]Which one? JUDGE02[13:48: 6] CONF_10[13:48:17]The enemy of the state. CONF_10[13:48:17] JUDGE02[13:48:24]Who is in it? Was it good? JUDGE02[13:48:24] CONF_10[13:48:56]Denzel Wasington and Gene Hackman are in it. It is very good. CONF_10[13:49: 4]Have you seen any movies lately. CONF_10[13:49: 4] JUDGE02[13:49:18]I saw You Got Mail I while ago. JUDGE02[13:49:18] CONF_10[13:49:32]Is that the one with Meg Ryan in it? CONF_10[13:49:32] JUDGE02[13:49:42]Yes, and Tom Hanks. I t wasn't bad. JUDGE02[13:49:42] CONF_10[13:50:12]I prefer thillers than that type of movie. So what is your favourite movie? CONF_10[13:50:13] JUDGE02[13:50:56]UMmmm, that's a hard one. I don't know, I like most movies with Harrison Ford, JUDGE02[13:51:11]and I like Meg Ryan too. JUDGE02[13:51:11] CONF_10[13:51:53]Yes. My favourite movie would be the Princess Bride. CONF_10[13:51:54] JUDGE02[13:52: 3]Sorry, I have to go. Goodbye! JUDGE02[13:52: 3] CONF_10[13:52: 5]Farewell CONF_10[13:52: 6]