Week 8 Tutorial — Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists

  1. Show the effect of executing the following sequence of operations on an initially empty stack:
    push 1;  push 5;  push 3;  pop;  push 4;  push 2;  pop;  pop;  pop;  pop;

    What sequence of numbers will be generated by the pop commands?

  2. Show the effect of executing the following sequence of operations on an initially empty queue:
    enqueue 1;  enqueue 5;  enqueue 3;  dequeue;  enqueue 4;  enqueue 2;  dequeue;  dequeue;  dequeue;  dequeue;

    What sequence of numbers will be generated by the dequeue commands?

    1. The following function inserts given data v into a linked list:
      void insertData(NodeT *head, int v) {
         // create new node and set data
         NodeT *new = (NodeT *)malloc(sizeof(NodeT));
         assert (new != NULL);
         new->data = v;
         new->next = head;

      • Where is the data being placed in the list?
      • Draw a diagram showing before and after the insertion. Considere the cases:
        • an empty list
        • a list containing a single node
        • a list containing many nodes
      • The function has a problem. What is it? Fix it.

    2. Modify the function to place the data at the end of a linked list.
      • Draw a diagram showing before and after the insertion.
        • Consider the cases: an empty list, a single node, and many nodes

  3. Assume that we have a sequence of characters.

    Assume the character string is stored in a linked list, one character in each node. Think of 2 different strategies to implement left and right rotation of a string stored in a linked list. Both strategies will require you to traverse the entire linked list:

  4. Suppose we are given a sorted linked list of numbers. We are interested in knowing whether there are any duplicate nodes (i.e. nodes that have the same data) in the list.