Week 9 Tutorial — Sample Solutions

  1. We are considering the pop operation:
     1  int pop(Quack qs) {
     2     int retval = 0;
     3     if (qs == NULL) {
     4        fprintf(stderr, "pop: quack not initialised\n");
     5     } else {
     6        if (isEmptyQuack(qs)) {
     7           fprintf(stderr, "pop: quack underflow\n");
     8        } else {
     9           Quack topnode = qs->next; // top node must be there
    10           retval = topnode->data;
    11           qs->next = topnode->next;
    12           free(topnode);
    13        }
    14     }
    15     return retval;
    16  }

    1. The node topnode is the second node in the linked list.

    2. The code does the following:
      if qs has been created ...
        and qs is not empty ...
          let topnode point to the second node in the linked list
          store the data from topnode
          remove topnode by relinking to topnode's next node
          free topnode
      return the data from topnode

    3. No topnode in Line 11 cannot be NULL becuse the quack cannot be empty at this line
      • yes, topnode->next in Line 13 can be NULL: this means that the quack consisted of just 1 element before the pop operation, and after the operation the quack will be empty.

    1. The variable top is the index of the top element on the quack.
      • if top == 0, there is one element on the quack (at array[0])
      • if top == HEIGHT-1, then there are HEIGHT elements on the quack: it is full
      • it should never happen that top == HEIGHT, a full quack should not go higher than top = HEIGHT-1

    2. To push an element data onto the quack qs, we do the following:
    3. ++(qs->top);               // we are adding an element, so increment the index
      qs->array[qs->top] = data; // place the element at this location

      • to check for quack overflow:
        if (qs->top >= HEIGHT-1) {
           fprintf(stderr, "push: quack overflow\n");

    4. To pop an element from the quack qs, we use the following:
    5. data = qs->array[qs->top]; // 'get' the top element on the quack
      --(qs->top);               // decrement the index indicating the top of quack
      return data;               // return the top element
      Notice that we do not actually delete the element in the array.
      • to check for quack underflow:
        if (qs->top <= -1) {
           fprintf(stderr, "pop: quack underflow\n");