Week 11 Tutorial — Sample Solutions

    1. BST
    2. No
    3. No
    4. No
    5. BST
    6. No (but would be a BST if duplicates were allowed)
    1. The resulting BST
    2.     10
          / \
         5  20
            / \
          15  30
      has height 5
    3. After deleting node 5:
          /  \
         15  30

      After deleting node 30:
           / \
         15  28

      To delete node 20:

      • 24 is the immediate successor of 20
        • note that 24 can have no left child (do you see why?)
      • 24's right child becomes left child of its parent
      • now 24 is isolated and can replace 20
             / \
           15  28
      Final tree has height 3
    1. Output such as the following would be possible (for 20 rolls of the die):

      Counts = {3,6,2,2,5,2}

      • the list of digits shows the sequence of numbers that are rolled
      • the count shows how often each number 1, 2, ..., 6 appeared

      • There are 6 outcomes of dice rolling: the numbers 1 to 6.
        • so we'll need a fixed array count of length 6 to count how many of each
        • this needs to be initialised to all zeros
      • We roll the die NROLLS times, just like we tossed the coin
        • the outcome each time will be roll = 1 + random()%6
        • this is a number between 1 and 6 (easy to see?)
      • We increment the count for this roll
        • count[roll-1]++
      • We conclude by printing the contents of the count array.

  1. We pick a random number between 0 and 11 (as there are 12 letters in the given string, and they will be stored at indices 0 .. 11), and then print that element in the array string.

    srandom(1);                      // an arbitrary seed
    char *string = "hippopotamus";
    int size = strlen(string);
    int ran = random()%size;         // 0<=ran<=size-1
    printf("%c\n", string[ran]);

    You can write this more concisely, which however makes reading and debugging harder:

    srandom(1);                      // an arbitrary seed
    char *string = "hippopotamus";
    printf("%c\n", string[random()%strlen(string)]);

  2. We pick a random number between 0 and j-i, and add that number to i. Note that we must compute random() modulo (j-i+1) because the number j-i should be included.

    srandom(1);                    // an arbitrary seed
    int ran = random()%(j-i+1);    // 0<=ran<=j-i
    int num = i + ran;             // i<=num<=j
    printf("%d\n", num);

  3. In essence: