Week 12 Laboratory — Sample Solutions

  1. llselsort.c

    void selSortLL(NodeT *head) { // selection sort on a linked list
       NodeT *marker;
       for (marker=head; marker!=NULL; marker=marker->next) {
          NodeT *min = marker; // assume element 'marker' is minimum
          NodeT *rest;
          for (rest=marker->next; rest!=NULL; rest=rest->next) {
             if (rest->data < min->data) {
                min = rest;    // found a better min at location 'rest'
          if (marker != min) { // swap data inside marker and min nodes
             int temp = marker->data;
             marker->data = min->data;
             min->data = temp;

  2. llinsertsort.c

    NodeT *insSortLL(NodeT *head) { // insertion sort on a linked list
       if (head != NULL) {
          NodeT *marker = head->next;
          head->next = NULL;        // cut off the rest from the head
                                    // in order to reinsert these elements
          while (marker != NULL) {
             NodeT *cur = marker;          // take the current marker 'cur' ...
             marker = marker->next;        // (advance marker for next round)
             if (cur->data < head->data) { // ... and make 'cur' the new head ...
                cur->next = head;
                head = cur;
             } else {                      // ... or find the new predecessor of 'cur' ...
                NodeT *pred = head;
                while (pred->next != NULL && (pred->next)->data < cur->data) {
                   pred = pred->next;
                cur->next = pred->next;    // ... and insert 'cur' after 'pred'
                pred->next = cur;
       return head;  // head may have changed, hence needs to be returned

    Alternative solution:
    void insertSortLL(NodeT *head) { // insertion sort on a linked list
                                     // a data-copy version
       NodeT *marker = head;
       NodeT *cur;
       while (marker != NULL) {    // for element 'marker' ...
          cur = head;              // ... find the right position ... 
          while (cur != marker) {  // ... and move all other elements up ...
             if (marker->data < cur->data) { // ... by repeated swaps
                int save = marker->data;
                marker->data = cur->data;
                cur->data = save;
             cur = cur->next;
          marker = marker->next;

  3. selsortQ.c

    // selsortQ.c: implement a selection sort of the command-line arguments using 2 stacks
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "quack.h"
    void selectionSort(Quack, int);
    int linearSearch(Quack, Quack, int);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
       int readError = 0;
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       Quack sq;
       sq = createQuack();
       int i;
       int number;
       for (i=1; i<argc && !readError; i++) {
          if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &number) != 1) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Error in arguments\n");
             readError = 1;
             retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
          } else {
             push(number, sq);       // populate the first quack
       if (!readError) {
          printf("Original ");
          selectionSort(sq, argc-1);  // argc-1 arguments to be sorted
          printf("  Sorted ");
       return retval;
    int linearSearch(Quack s1, Quack s2, int n) { // pop n items from s1, push to s2, except max
       int max = pop(s1);
       int i;
       for (i=1; i<=n-1; i++) {
          int num = pop(s1);
          if (num > max) {
             int temp = max;
             max = num;
             num = temp;
          push(num, s2);
       return max;
    void selectionSort(Quack s1, int size) {
       Quack s2;
       s2 = createQuack();
       if (!isEmptyQuack(s1)) {
          int n;
          for (n=size; n>1; n--) {
             int max = linearSearch(s1, s2, n);
             push(max, s1);
             while (!isEmptyQuack(s2)) {
                push(pop(s2), s1);