Week 13 Laboratory — Sample Solutions

  1. llmax.c

    // llmax.c: create a linked list from numbers on stdin,
    // and print all nodes starting with the maximum value in the list
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    typedef struct node { 
       int data; 
       struct node *next;
    } NodeT;
    NodeT *maxstart(NodeT *);
    NodeT *insertTail(NodeT *, int);
    void   printList(NodeT *);
    void   freeList(NodeT *);
    int main(void) {
       NodeT *lil = NULL;
       int dataGood = 1;
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       int number;
       if (scanf("%d", &number) == 1) {
          int n;
          for (n=0; n<number && dataGood; n++) {
             int data;
             if (scanf("%d", &data) == 1) {
                lil = insertTail(lil, data);
             } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Data missing\n");
                dataGood = 0;
          if (n > 0 && dataGood) {
             printf("Original list = ");
             printList(lil);                        // original list
             lil = maxstart(lil);
             printf("Truncated list = ");
             printList(lil);                        // truncated list
       } else {
          fprintf(stderr, "No data\n");
          dataGood = 0;
       if (!dataGood) {
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
       return retval;
    NodeT *maxstart(NodeT *head) {
       // returns pointer to first occurence of largest list element
       NodeT *maxp = NULL;
       NodeT *cur;
       int   max;
       if (head != NULL) {
          maxp = head;
          max = maxp->data;
          cur = head->next;
          while (cur != NULL) {
             if (cur->data > max) {
                maxp = cur;
                max = maxp->data;
             cur = cur->next;
       return maxp;
    NodeT *insertTail(NodeT *head, int d) {
       // create new node with data
       NodeT *new = malloc(sizeof(NodeT));
       assert(new != NULL);
       new->data = d;
       new->next = NULL;
       if (head != NULL) {               // check at least 1 node
          NodeT *cur = head;             // start at the head
          while (cur->next != NULL) {    // this must be defined
             cur = cur->next;
          cur->next = new;               // cur->next was NULL
       } else {
          head = new;                    // if no list, list = new
       return head;
    void printList(NodeT *head) {
       NodeT *cur = head;
       while (cur != NULL) {
          printf("%d", cur->data);
          cur = cur->next;
          if (cur != NULL) {
    void freeList(NodeT *head) {
       NodeT *cur = head;
       while (cur != NULL) {
          NodeT *tmp = cur->next;
          cur = tmp;

  2. llunique.c

    // llunique.c: create a linked list from numbers on stdin,
    // and remove all elements that occur more than once in the list
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    typedef struct node { 
       int data; 
       struct node *next;
    } NodeT;
    NodeT *uniquifyList(NodeT *);
    int    find(NodeT *, int);
    NodeT *destroy(NodeT *, int);
    NodeT *insertTail(NodeT *, int);  // as above
    void   printList(NodeT *);        // as above
    void   freeList(NodeT *);         // as above
    int main(void) {
       NodeT *lil = NULL;
       int dataGood = 1;
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       int number;
       if (scanf("%d", &number) == 1) {
          int n;
          for (n=0; n<number && dataGood; n++) {
             int data;
             if (scanf("%d", &data) == 1) {
                lil = insertTail(lil, data);
             } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Data missing\n");
                dataGood = 0;
          if (n > 0 && dataGood) {
             printf("Original list = ");
             printList(lil);                        // original list
             lil = uniquifyList(lil);
             if (lil == NULL) {
                printf("Unique list is empty\n");
             } else {
                printf("Unique list = ");
                printList(lil);                     // uniquified list
       } else {
          fprintf(stderr, "No data\n");
          dataGood = 0;
       if (!dataGood) {
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
       return retval;
    int find(NodeT *head, int v) {
       int   found = 0;
       NodeT *cur = head;
       while (cur != NULL && !found) {
          found = (cur->data == v);
          cur = cur->next;
       return found;
    NodeT *destroy(NodeT *head, int v) {
       // destroy all occurrences of v (recursive version)
       NodeT *retval;
       if (head == NULL) {
          retval = NULL;
       } else {
          head->next = destroy(head->next, v);   // destroy recursively
          if (head->data == v) {                 // destroy head too?
             retval = head->next;
          } else {
             retval = head;
       return retval;
    NodeT *uniquifyList(NodeT *head) {
       // remove all elements that occur more than once (recursive version)
       if (head != NULL) {
          if (find(head->next, head->data)) {
             head = uniquifyList(destroy(head, head->data));
          } else {
             head->next = uniquifyList(head->next);
       return head;

    Anyone with a better or more interesting solution?

  3. bfsTreeQ.c

    // bfsTreeQ.c: input and print a BST twice
    //  - once in normal pretty-print fashion (note, this is infix)
    //  - once in BFS order
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include "quack.h"
    typedef struct node {
       int value;
       struct node *left;
       struct node *right;
    } Node;
    typedef Node *Tree;
    Node *newTreeNode(int);            // make a new BST node
    Tree insertTree(Tree t, int v);    // insert a node 'v' into a BST
    void freeTree(Tree t);             // free the tree
    void printTree(Tree t, int level); // pretty-print a BST in infix order
    void printBFS(Tree t);             // print nodes of BST in BFS order
    int main(int argc, char **argv){
       Tree t = NULL;
       int i;
       int dataGood = 1;
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       if (argc == 1) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s integers ...\n", argv[0]);
          dataGood = 0;
       for (i=1; dataGood && i<argc; i++) {
          int num;
          if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &num) != 1) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s integers ...\n", argv[0]);
             dataGood = 0;
          } else {
             t = insertTree(t, num);
       if (!dataGood) {
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
       } else {
          printTree(t, 0);
          printf("BFS order = ");
       return retval;
    void printBFS(Tree t) {
       Quack q = createQuack();
       qush((int)t, q);
       while (!isEmptyQuack(q)) {
          t = (Tree)pop(q);
          if (t != NULL) {
             printf("%d ", t->value);
             qush((int)t->left, q);
             qush((int)t->right, q);
    Node *newTreeNode(int v) {
       Node *new = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
       assert(new != NULL);
       new->value = v;
       new->left = NULL;
       new->right = NULL;
       return new;
    Tree insertTree(Tree t, int v) {
       if (t == NULL) {
          t = newTreeNode(v);
       } else if (v < t->value) {
          t->left = insertTree(t->left, v);
       } else if (v > t->value) {
          t->right = insertTree(t->right, v);
       return t;
    void freeTree(Tree t) { // free in postfix fashion
       if (t != NULL) {
    void printTree(Tree t, int depth) {
       if (t != NULL) {
          printTree(t->left, depth);
          int i;
          for (i=1; i<depth; i++){
          printf("%d\n", t->value);
          printTree(t->right, depth);