COMP1927 COMP1927 Final Exam Computing 2

Algorithms Almanac

Topic Index:   Linear ADTs ... Sorting ... Searching ... Graphs

This document gives code for representative ADTs and algorithms discussed in Lectures. It's organised as a single long page, broken down by topic area. The code assumes that all collection types are made up of Items, where the Item type has equality, less than, greater than, comparison, and display functions available as eq(it1,it2), less(it1,it2), greater(it1,it2), cmp(it1,it2) and show(it). Sometimes, Items have keys which are integer or string values that uniquely identify the Item. They key value can be extracted from an Item using the key(it) function. ADTs are implemented via a pointer to a hidden representation type (e.g. the Stack type is a pointer to a StackRep structure).

Note: the code below has not been compiled; we make no guarantees that there are no bugs. This code is provided simply as a guide to how the algorithms were implemented.

Linear ADTs   ( Stacks ... Queues ... Lists )

Stack ADT


typedef struct StackRep *Stack;
// set up empty stack
Stack newStack(int);
// remove unwanted stack
void dropStack(Stack);
// insert an Item on top of stack
void StackPush(Stack,Item);
// remove Item from top of stack
Item StackPop(Stack);
// check whether stack is empty
Bool StackIsEmpty(Stack);

Implementation (via arrays):

typedef struct StackRep {
   Item *item;
   int top;
} StackRep;
// set up empty stack
Stack newStack(int n)
   Stack s;
   s = malloc(sizeof(StackRep));
   assert(s != NULL);
   s->item = malloc(n * sizeof(Item));
   assert(s->item != NULL);
   s->top = -1;
   return s;
// remove unwanted stack
void dropStack(Stack s)
   assert(s != NULL);
// insert Item on top of stack
void StackPush(Stack s, Item it)
   assert(s->top < MAXITEMS-1);
   int i = s->top;
   s->item[i] = it;
// remove Item from top of stack
Item StackPop(Stack s)
   assert(s->top > -1);
   int i = s->top;
   Item it = s->item[i];
   return it;
// check whether stack is empty
Bool StackIsEmpty(Stack s)
   return (s->top < 0);

Queue ADT


typedef struct QueueRep *Queue;
// set up empty queue
Queue newQueue(int);
// remove unwanted queue
void dropQueue(Queue);
// insert Item at back of queue
void QueueJoin(Queue,Item);
// remove Item from front of queue
Item QueueLeave(Queue);
// check whether queue is empty
Bool QueueIsEmpty(Queue);

Implementation (via arrays):

typedef struct QueueRep {
   Item *item;  // array to hold Items
   int front;  // next Item to be removed
   int back;  // last Item added
   int nitems;  // # Items currently in queue
   int maxitems;  // size of array
} QueueRep;
// set up empty queue
Queue newQueue(int n)
   Queue q;
   q = malloc(sizeof(QueueRep));
   assert(q != NULL);
   q->item = malloc(n * sizeof(Item));
   assert(q->item != NULL);
   q->front = q->back = 0;
   q->nitems = 0; q->maxitems = n;
   return q;
// remove unwanted queue
void dropQueue(Queue q)
   assert(q != NULL);
// insert item on top of queue
void QueueJoin(Queue q, Item it)
   assert(q->nitems < q->maxitems);
   q->item[q->front] = it;
   q->front = (q->front+1)%q->maxitems;
// remove item from front of queue
Item QueueLeave(Queue q)
   assert(q->nitems > 0);
   Item it = q->item[q->back];
   q->back = (q->back+1)%q->maxitems;
   return it;
// check whether queue is empty
Bool QueueIsEmpty(Queue q)
   return (q->nitems == 0);

List ADT


typedef struct ListRep *List;
// create a new empty List
List newList();
// free up all space associated with list
void freeList(List);
// display list as one Item per line on stdout
void showList(List);
// apppend one Item to the end of a list
void ListInsert(List, int);
// delete first occurrence of v from a list
// if v does not occur in List, no effect
void ListDelete(List, Item);
// return number of elements in a list
int ListLength(List);

Implementation (via linked list):

typedef struct ListNode {
   int  data;  // value of this list item
   struct ListNode *next;
               // pointer to node containing next element
} ListNode;
typedef struct ListRep {
   int  size;  // number of elements in list
   ListNode *first;  // node containing first value
   ListNode *last;  // node containing last value
} ListRep;
// create a new empty List
List newList()
   ListRep *L;
   L = malloc(sizeof(ListRep));
   assert (L != NULL);
   L->size = 0;
   L->first = NULL;
   L->last = NULL;
   return L;
// free up all space associated with list
void freeList(List L)
   ListNode *curr, *next;
   assert(L != NULL);
   curr = L->first;
   while (curr != NULL) {
      next = curr->next;
      curr = next;
// display list as one integer per line on stdout
void showList(List L)
   ListNode *curr;
   curr = L->first;
   while (curr != NULL) {
      show(curr->data); printf("\n");
      curr = curr->next;
// create a new ListNode with value it
// (this function is local to this ADT)
static ListNode *newListNode(Item it)
   ListNode *n;
   n = malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
   assert(n != NULL);
   n->data = item;
   n->next = NULL;
   return n;
// apppend one Item to the end of a list
void ListInsert(List L, Item it)
   assert(L != NULL);
   ListNode *n;
   n = newListNode(it);
   if (L->first == NULL)
      L->first = L->last = n;
   else {
      L->last->next = n;
      L->last = n;
// remove an item from a List
void ListDelete(List L, Item it)
   assert(L != NULL);
   ListNode *curr, *prev;
   prev = NULL; curr = L->first;
   while (curr != NULL && !eq(curr->data,it)) {
      prev = curr;
      curr = curr->next;
   if (curr == NULL) return;
   if (prev == NULL)
      L->first = curr->next;
      prev->next = curr->next;
   if (L->last == curr)
      L->last = prev;
// return number of elements in a list
int ListLength(List L)
   assert(L != NULL);
   return L->size;

Priority Queue:


typedef struct PQueueRep *PQueue;
create new empty priority queue
PQueue newPQueue(int size);
add item to priority queue
void PQJoin(PQueue q, Item it);
remove item from priority queue
Item PQLeave(PQueue q);
free up priority queue
void dropPQueue(PQueue q);


struct PQueueRep {
    int   nItems; // count of items
    Item *items;  // heap-array of Items
    int   size;   // size of array
// create a new empty queue
PQueue newPQueue(int size)
    PQueue q = malloc(sizeof(struct PQrep));
    assert(q != NULL);
    // indexes start from 1
    q->items = malloc(sizeof(Item) * (size+1));
    assert(q->items != NULL);
    q->nItems = 0;
    q->size = size;
    return q;
// add a new item into the queue
void PQJoin(PQueue q, Item it)
    assert(q != NULL && q->nItems < q->size);
    q->items[q->nItems] = it;
    fixUp(q->items, q->nItems);
// remove item from priority queue
Item PQLeave(PQueue q)
    assert(q != NULL && q->nItems > 0);
    swap(q->items, 1, q->nItems);
    fixDown(p->items, 1, q->nItems);
    return q->items[q->nItems+1];
free up priority queue
void dropPQueue(PQueue q)
    assert(q != NULL);
void fixUp(Item a[], int k)
   while (k > 1 && less(a[k/2],a[k])) {
      swap(a, k, k/2);
      k = k/2;  // integer division
void fixDown(Item a[], int k, int N)
    while (2*k <= N) {
    int j = 2*k;
    // choose larger of two children
    if (j < N && less(a[j], a[j+1])) j++;
        if (!less(a[k], a[j])) break;
        swap(a, k, j);
        k = j;

Sorting   ( O(n2) Algs ... O(n log n) Algs )

O(n2) Sorting Algorithms

Sorting problem:

Pre-condition: a[0..N-1] contain Items
Post-condition: forall i:0..N-2,  key(a[i]) ≤ key(a[i+1])

Stability: consider item1 and item2 where key(item1) == key(item2)
if, before sorting, item1 is a[i] && item2 is a[j] && i < j
then, after sorting, item1 is a[m] && item2 is a[n] && m < n

Selection sort:

void selectionSort(int a[], int lo, int hi)
   int i, j, min;
   for (i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
      min = i;
      for (j = i+1; j <= hi; j++) {
         if (less(a[j],a[min])) min = j;
      swap(a[i], a[min]);

Bubble sort:

void bubbleSort(int a[], int lo, int hi)
   int i, j, nswaps;
   for (i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
      nswaps = 0;
      for (j = hi; j > i; j--) {
         if (less(a[j], a[j-1])) {
            swap(a[j], a[j-1]);
      if (nswaps == 0) break;

Insertion sort:

void insertionSort(int a[], int lo, int hi)
   int i, j, val;
   for (i = lo+1; i <= hi; i++) {
      val = a[i];
      for (j = i; j > lo; j--) {
         if (!less(val,a[j-1])) break;
         a[j] = a[j-1];
      a[j] = val;

O(n log n) Sorting Algorithms

Quicksort: (with median-of-three partitioning)

void quicksort(Item a[], int lo, int hi)
   int i; // index of pivot
   if (hi <= lo) return;
   medianOfThree(a, lo, hi);
   i = partition(a, lo+1, hi-1);
   quicksort(a, lo, i-1);
   quicksort(a, i+1, hi);
void medianOfThree(Item a[], int lo, int hi)
   int mid = (lo+hi)/2;
   if (less(a[mid],a[lo])) swap(a, lo, mid);
   if (less(a[hi],a[mid])) swap(a, mid, hi);
   if (less(a[mid],a[lo])) swap(a, lo, mid);
   // now, we have a[lo] ≤ a[mid] ≤ a[hi]
   // swap a[mid] to a[lo+1] to use as pivot
   swap(a, lo+1, mid);
int partition(Item a[], int lo, int hi)
   Item v = a[lo];  // pivot
   int  i = lo+1, j = hi;
   for (;;) {
      while (less(a[i],v) && i < j) i++;
      while (less(v,a[j]) && j > i) j--;
      if (i == j) break;
   j = less(a[i],v) ? i : i-1;
   return j;


void mergesort(Item a[], int lo, int hi)
   int mid = (lo+hi)/2; // mid point
   if (hi <= lo) return;
   mergesort(a, lo, mid);
   mergesort(a, mid+1, hi);
   merge(a, lo, mid, hi);
void merge(Item a[], int lo, int mid, int hi)
   int  i, j, k, nitems = hi-lo+1;
   Item *tmp = malloc(nitems*sizeof(Item));

   i = lo; j = mid+1; k = 0;
   // scan both segments, copying to tmp
   while (i <= mid && j <= hi) {
     if (less(a[i],a[j]))
        tmp[k++] = a[i++];
        tmp[k++] = a[j++];
   // copy items from unfinished segment
   while (i <= mid) tmp[k++] = a[i++];
   while (j <= hi) tmp[k++] = a[j++];

   //copy tmp back to main array
   for (i = lo, k = 0; i <= hi; i++, k++)
      a[i] = tmp[k];

Heapsort: (require priority queue PQueue type)

void HeapSort(Item a[], int lo, int hi)
   PQueue pq = newPQueue(hi-lo+1);
   int i;
   for (i = lo; i <= hi; i++) {
      PQJoin(pq, a[i]);
   for (i = hi; i >= lo; i--) {
      Item it = PQLeave(pq);
      a[i] = it;

Searching   ( Binary Search ... BSTs ... Balanced Trees ... Hashing )

Binary Search

Binary search in array:

// search for key k in array a[]
// - returns index of location for k
// - doesn't indicate whether key is actually there or not
int findInArray(Key k, Item a[], int lo, int hi)
    if (hi <= lo) return lo;
    int mid = (hi+lo)/2;
    int diff = cmp(k, key(a[mid]));
    if (diff < 0)
        return findInArray(k, a, lo, mid);
    else if (diff > 0)
        return findInArray(k, a, mid+1, hi);
        return mid;

Binary Search Trees (BSTs)

BST Interface:

typedef struct Node *Tree;
// create an empty Tree
Tree newTree();
// free memory associated with Tree
void dropTree(Tree);
// display a Tree (sideways)
void showTree(Tree);
// insert a new item into a Tree
Tree TreeInsert(Tree, Item);
Tree TreeInsertAtRoot(Tree, Item);
Tree TreeInsertRandom(Tree, Item);
// delete item with given key from Tree
Tree TreeDelete(Tree, Key);
// check whether item with given key is in Tree
int TreeFind(Tree, Key);
// compute depth of Tree
int TreeDepth(Tree);
// count #nodes in Tree
int TreeNumNodes(Tree);
// fetch i'th (from left) item from Tree
Item *get_ith(Tree, int);
// partition Tree around i'th Item
Tree partition(Tree, int);
// rotate Tree left/right around root
Tree rotateR(Tree);
Tree rotateL(Tree);

BST Implementation:

typedef struct Node *Link;
typedef struct Node {
    Item value;
    Link left, right;
} Node;
// make a new node containing an Item
static Link newNode(Item it)
    Link new = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    assert(new != NULL);
    new->value = it;
    new->left = new->right = NULL;
    return new;
// create a new empty Tree
Tree newTree()
    return NULL;
// free memory associated with Tree
void dropTree(Tree t)
    if (t == NULL) return;
// display a Tree (sideways)
void showTree(Tree t)
    void doShowTree(Tree);
// insert a new value into a Tree
Tree TreeInsert(Tree t, Item it)
    if (t == NULL) return newNode(it);
    int diff = cmp(key(it),key(t->value));
    if (diff == 0)
        t->value = it;
    else if (diff < 0)
        t->left = TreeInsert(t->left, it);
    else if (diff > 0)
        t->right = TreeInsert(t->right, it);
    return t;
// insert a new value as root of Tree
Tree insertAtRoot(Tree t, Item it)
   if (t == NULL) return newNode(it);
   int diff = cmp(key(it), key(t->value));
   if (diff == 0)
      t->value = it;
   else if (diff < 0) {
      t->left = insertAtRoot(t->left, it);
      t = rotateR(t);
   else if (diff > 0) {
      t->right = insertAtRoot(t->right, it);
      t = rotateL(t);
   return t;
Tree insertRandom(Tree t, Item it)
   int size(Tree);

   if (t == NULL) return newNode(it);
   // 1 in 3 chance of doing root insert
   int chance = rand() % 3;
   if (chance == 0)
      t = insertAtRoot(t, it);
      t = TreeInsert(t, it);
   return t;
// delete item with given key from Tree
Tree TreeDelete(Tree t, Key k)
    Tree deleteRoot(Tree);

    if (t == NULL)
        return NULL;
    int diff = cmp(k,key(t->value));
    if (diff == 0)
        t = deleteRoot(t);
    else if (diff < 0)
        t->left = TreeDelete(t->left, k);
    else if (diff > 0)
        t->right = TreeDelete(t->right, k);
    return t;
// delete root of tree
Tree deleteRoot(Tree t)
    Link newRoot;
    // if no subtrees, tree empty after delete
    if (t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    // if only right subtree, make it the new root
    else if (t->left == NULL && t->right != NULL) {
        newRoot = t->right;
        return newRoot;
    // if only left subtree, make it the new root
    else if (t->left != NULL && t->right == NULL) {
        newRoot = t->left;
        return newRoot;
    // else (t->left != NULL && t->right != NULL)
    // so has two subtrees
    // - find inorder successor (grab value)
    // - delete inorder successor node
    // - move its value to root
    Link parent = t;
    Link succ = t->right; // not null!
    while (succ->left != NULL) {
        parent = succ;
        succ = succ->left;
    int succVal = succ->value;
    t = TreeDelete(t,succVal);
    t->value = succVal;
    return t;
// check whether item with given key is in Tree
int TreeFind(Tree t, Key k)
    if (t == NULL) return 0;
    int res, diff = cmp(k,key(t->value));
    if (diff < 0)
        res = TreeFind(t->left, k);
    else if (diff > 0)
        res = TreeFind(t->right, k);
    else // (diff == 0)
        res = 1;
    return res;
// compute depth of Tree
int TreeDepth(Tree t)
    if (t == NULL)
        return 0;
    else {
        int ldepth = TreeDepth(t->left);
        int rdepth = TreeDepth(t->right);
        //return 1 + (ldepth > rdepth)?ldepth:rdepth;
        if (ldepth > rdepth)
            return 1+ldepth;
            return 1+rdepth;
// count #nodes in Tree
int TreeNumNodes(Tree t)
    if (t == NULL) return 0;
    return 1 + TreeNumNodes(t->left)
             + TreeNumNodes(t->right);
// fetch i'th (from left) item from Tree
Item *get_ith(Tree t, int i)
   if (t == NULL) return NULL;
   assert(0 <= i && i < size(t));
   int n = size(t->left); // #nodes to left of root
   if (i < n) return get_ith(t->left, i);
   if (i > n) return get_ith(t->right, i-n-1);
   return &(t->value);
// // partition Tree around i'th Item
Tree partition(Tree t, int i)
   if (t == NULL) return NULL;
   assert(0 <= i && i < size(t));
   int n = size(t->left);
   if (i < n) {
      t->left = partition(t->left, i);
      t = rotateR(t);
   if (i > n) {
      t->right = partition(t->right, i-n-1);
      t = rotateL(t);
   return t;
// rotate Tree right around node
Link rotateR(Link n1)
   if (n1 == NULL) return n1;
   Link n2 = n1->left;
   if (n2 == NULL) return n1;
   n1->left = n2->right;
   n2->right = n1;
   return n2;
// rotate Tree left around node
Link rotateL(Link n2)
   if (n2 == NULL) return n2;
   Link n1 = n2->right;
   if (n1 == NULL) return n2;
   n2->right = n1->left;
   n1->left = n2;
   return n1;

Note that the above has operations relevant for balancing.
The tree types below are specificaly designed to be balance.

Balanced Trees

Splay Trees:

#define L left
#define R right
// Other operations are as for BSTs
Tree insertSplay(Tree t, Item it)
   if (t == NULL) return newNode(it);
   int diff = cmp(key(it), key(t->value));
   if (diff == 0)
      t->value = it;
   else if (diff < 0) {
      if (t->L == NULL) {
         t->L = newNode(it);
      int ldiff = cmp(key(it), key(t->L->value));
      if (ldiff < 0) {
         // Case 1: left-child of left-child
         t->L->L = insertSplay(t->L->L, it);
         t = rotateR(t);
      else if (ldiff > 0) {
         // Case 2: right-child of left-child
         t->L->R = insertSplay(t->L->R, it);
         t->L = rotateL(t->L);
      return rotateR(t);
   else if (diff > 0) {
      if (t->R == NULL) {
         t->R = newNode(it);
      int rdiff = cmp(key(it), key(t->R->value));
      if (rdiff < 0) {
         // Case 3: left-child of right-child
         t->R->L = insertSplay(t->R->L, it);
         t->R = rotateR(t->R);
      else if (rdiff > 0) {
         // Case 4: right-child of right-child
         t->R->R = insertSplay(t->R->R, it);
         t = rotateL(t);
      return rotateL(t);
      t->value = it;
   return t;
// search Tree for item with key k
Item *searchSplay(Tree *t, Key k)
   Link root = *t;
   if (root == NULL) return NULL;
   root = splay(root,k);
   *t = root;
   if (key(root->value) == k)
      return &(root->value);
      return NULL;

AVL Trees:

// Other operations are as for BSTs
Tree insertAVL(Tree t, Item it)
   if (t == NULL) return newNode(it);
   int diff = cmp(key(it), key(t->value));
   if (diff == 0)
      t->value = it;
   else if (diff < 0) {
      t->left = insertAVL(t->left, it);
      t->nnodes = count(t);
   else if (diff > 0) {
      t->right = insertAVL(t->right, it);
      t->nnodes = count(t);
   int dL = depth(t->left);
   int dR = depth(t->right);
   if ((dL - dR) > 1) t = rotateR(t);
   else if ((dR - dL) > 1) t = rotateL(t);
   return t;

2-3-4 Tree Interface:

typedef struct node *Tree;
// Operations as for BST, except insert

2-3-4 Tree Implementation:

typedef struct node {
   int  order;   // 2, 3 or 4
   Item data[3];  // items in node
   Tree child[4]; // links to subtrees
} Node;

// create new 2-3-4 node
static Node *newNode(Item it)
   Node *new = malloc(sizeof(Node));
   assert(new != NULL);
   new->order = 2;
   new->data[0] = it;
   new->child[0] = new->child[1] = NULL;
   return new;
// search for item with key k
Item *search(Tree t, Key k)
   if (t == NULL) return NULL;
   int i;  int diff;  int nitems = t->order-1;
   // find relevant slot in items
   for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
      diff = cmp(k, key(t->data[i]));
      if (diff <= 0) break;
   if (diff == 0)
      // match; return result
      return &(t->data[i]);
      // keep looking in relevant subtree
      return search(t->child[i], k);
//insert new Item into Tree
Tree insert(Tree t, Item it)
   // algorithm only ...
   find leaf node where Item belongs (via search)
   if not full (i.e. order < 4) {
      insert Item in this node, order++
   else if node is full (i.e. contains 3 Items) {
      split into two 2-nodes as leaves
      promote middle element to parent
      insert item into appropriate leaf 2-node
      if parent is a 4-node {
         continue split/promote upwards
         if promote to root, and root is a 4-node {
            split root node
            add new root node
            promote middle item to new root

Red-black Trees:

typedef enum {RED,BLACK} Colr;
typedef struct Node *Link;
typedef struct Node *Tree;
typedef struct Node {
   Item data;   // actual data
   Colr colour; // colour of link to parent
   Tree left;   // left subtree
   Tree right;  // right subtree
} Node;
// make new node to hold supplied Item
Node *newNode(Item it, Colr c)
   Node *new = malloc(sizeof(Node));
   assert(new != NULL);
   new->data = it; new->colour = c;
   new->left = new->right = NULL;
   return new;
// search for Item with given key
Item *search(Tree t, Key k)
   if (t == NULL) return NULL;
   int diff = cmp(k, key(t->data));
   if (diff < 0)
      return search(t->left, k);
   else if (diffs > 0)
      return search(t->right, k);
   else // matches
      return &(t->data);
// insert new Item into tree
#define L left
#define R right
#define isRed(t) ((t) != NULL && (t)->colour == RED)
void insert(Tree t, Item it)
   t->root = insertRB(t->root, it, 0);
   t->root->colour = RED;
Link insertRB(Link t, Item it, int inRight)
   if (t == NULL) return newNode(it,RED);
   // node is a 4-node; lift it
   if (isRed(t->L) && isRed(t->R)) {
      t->colour = RED;
      t->L->colour = BLACK;
      t->R->colour = BLACK;
   int diff = cmp(key(it),key(t->value));
   if (diff == 0)
      t->value = it;
   else if (diff < 0) {
      t->L = insertRB(t->L, it, 0);
      if (isRed(t) && isRed(t->L) && inRight)
         t = rotateR(t);
      if (isRed(t->L) && isRed(t->L->L)) {
         t = rotateR(t);
         t->colour = BLACK;
         t->R->colour = RED;
   else if (diff > 0) {
      t->R = insertRB(t->R, it, 1);
      if (isRed(t) && isRed(t->R) && !inRight)
         t = rotateL(t);
      if (isRed(t->R) and isRed(t->R->R) {
         t = rotateL(t);
         t->colour = BLACK;
         t->L->colour = RED;
   return t;
// other operations as for BSTs


Hash table Interface:

typedef struct HashTabRep *HashTable;
// create an empty HashTable
HashTable newHashTable(int);
// free memory associated with HashTable
void dropHashTable(HashTable);
// insert a new value into a HashTable
void hashTableInsert(HashTable, Item);
// delete a value from a HashTable
void hashTableDelete(HashTable, Key);
// get Item from HashTable using Key
Item *hashTableSearch(HashTable, Key);

Hash Table Implementation: (separate chains)

#include "List.h"  // use Lists of Items
typedef struct HashTabRep {
   List *lists;  // lists of Items
   int   nslots; // # elements in array
   int   nitems; // # items stored in HashTable
} HashTabRep;
// convert key to index
static int hash(Key k, int N)
   int h = ... convert key to int
   return h % N;
// create an empty HashTable
HashTable newHashTable(int N)
   HashTable new = malloc(sizeof(HashTable));
   assert(new != NULL);
   new->lists = malloc(N*sizeof(List));
   assert(new->items != NULL);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      new->lists[i] = newList();
   new->nslots = N;
   new->nitems = 0;
   return new;   
// free memory associated with HashTable
void dropHashTable(HashTable ht)
// insert a new value into a HashTable
void hashTableInsert(HashTable ht, Item it)
   Key k = key(it);
   int i = hash(k, ht->nslots);
   ListInsert(ht->lists[i], it);
// delete a value from a HashTable
void hashTableDelete(HashTable ht, Key k)
   int i = hash(k, ht->nslots);
   ListDelete(ht->lists[i], k);
// get Item from HashTable using Key
Item *hashTableSearch(HashTable ht, Key k)
   int i = hash(k, ht->nslots);
   return ListSearch(ht->lists[i], k);

Hash Table Implementation: (linear probing)

#include "List.h"  // use Lists of Items
typedef struct HashTabRep {
   Item *items;  // lists of Items
   int   nslots; // # elements in array
   int   nitems; // # items stored in HashTable
} HashTabRep;
// convert key to index
static int hash(Key k, int N)
   int h = ... convert key to int
   return h % N;
// create an empty HashTable
HashTable newHashTable(int N)
   HashTabRep *new = malloc(sizeof(HashTabRep));
   assert(new != NULL);
   new->items = malloc(N*sizeof(Item));
   assert(new->items != NULL);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      new->items[i] = NoItem;
   new->nslots = N; new->nitems = 0;
   return new;

// free memory associated with HashTable
void dropHashTable(HashTable ht)
// insert a new value into a HashTable
void hashTableInsert(HashTable ht, Item it)
   int N = ht->nslots;
   Item *data = ht->items;
   Key k = key(it);
   int ix, j, i = hash(k,N);
   for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
      ix = (i+j)%N;
      if (cmp(k,key(data[ix]) == 0)
      else if (data[ix] == NoItem)
   if (j < N) {
      data[ix] = it;
// delete a value from a HashTable
void hashTableDelete(HashTable ht, Key k)
   int N = ht->nslots;
   Item *data = ht->items;
   int j, i = hash(k,N);
   for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
      int ix = (i+j)%N;
      if (cmp(k,key(data[ix]) == 0)
      else if (data[ix] == NoItem)
         return; // k not in table
   data[ix] = NoItem;
   // clean up probe path
   j = ix+1;
   while (data[j] != NoItem) {
      Item it = data[j];
      data[j] = NoItem;
      insert(ht, it);
      j = (j+1)%N);
// get Item from HashTable using Key
Item *hashTableSearch(HashTable ht, Key k)
   int N = ht->nslots;
   Item *data = ht->items;
   int j, i = hash(k,N);
   for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
      int ix = (i+j)%N;
      if (cmp(k,key(data[ix]) == 0)
         return &(data[ix]);
   return NULL;



  ( Representation ... Traversal ... Digraphs ... Weighted Graphs )


Graph Interface:

// visible data structures for Graphs
typedef struct GraphRep *Graph;
// vertices denoted by integers 0..N-1
typedef int Vertex;
// edges are pairs of vertices (end-points)
typedef struct { Vertex v; Vertex w; } Edge;
// auxiliary operations on graphs
int  validV(Graph,Vertex); // validity check
Edge mkEdge(Graph, Vertex, Vertex); // edge creation
int  neighbours(Graph, Vertex, Vertex); // edge existence
// core operations on graphs
// make new graph with nV vertices
Graph newGraph(int nV);
// free memory allocated to graph
void  dropGraph(Graph);
// show "printable" representation of graph
void  showGraph(Graph);
// add new edge to a graph
void  insertE(Graph, Edge);
// remove an edge from a graph
void  removeE(Graph, Edge);
// returns #vertices & array of edges
int   edges(Graph, Edge *, int);

Implementation of Auxiliary Operations:

// is a vertex valid in a given Graph?
static int validV(Graph g, Vertex v)
   return (g != NULL && v >= 0 && v < g->nV);
// make an Edge value
Edge mkEdge(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex w)
   assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
   Edge e = {v,w}; // struct assignment
   return e;

Adjacency Matrix Representation:

typedef struct GraphRep {
   int    nV;    // #vertices
   int    nE;    // #edges
   Bool **edges; // matrix of booleans
} GraphRep;
// check whether two vertices are connected
int neighbours(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex w)
	assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
	return g->edges[v][w];
// make new graph with nV vertices
Graph newGraph(int nV)
   assert(nV >= 0);
   int i, j;
   int **e = malloc(nV * sizeof(int *));
   assert(e != NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < nV; i++) {
      e[i] = malloc(nV * sizeof(int));
      assert(e[i] != NULL);
      for (j = 0; j < nV; j++)
         e[i][j] = FALSE;
   Graph g = malloc(sizeof(GraphRep));
   assert(g != NULL);
   g->nV = nV;  g->nE = 0;  g->edges = e;
   return g;
// free memory allocated to graph
void  dropGraph(Graph g)
   assert(g != NULL);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++)
// show "printable" representation of graph
void  showGraph(Graph g)
   assert(g != NULL);
   printf("V=%d, E=%d\n", g->nV, g->nE);
   int i, j;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) {
      int nshown = 0;
      for (j = i+1; j < g->nV; j++) {
         if (g->edges[i][j] != 0) {
            printf("%d-%d ",i,j);
      if (nshown > 0) printf("\n");
// add new edge to a graph
void insertE(Graph g, Edge e)
   assert(g != NULL);
   assert(validV(g,e.v) && validV(g,e.w));
   if (g->edges[e.v][e.w]) return;
   g->edges[e.v][e.w] = 1;
   g->edges[e.w][e.v] = 1;
// remove an edge from a graph
void removeE(Graph g, Edge e)
   assert(g != NULL);
   assert(validV(g,e.v) && validV(g,e.w));
   if (!g->edges[e.v][e.w]) return;
   g->edges[e.v][e.w] = 0;
   g->edges[e.w][e.v] = 0;
// returns #vertices & array of edges
int edges(Graph g, Edge *es, int nE)
   assert(g != NULL && es != NULL);
   assert(nE >= g->nE);
   int i, j, n = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) {
      for (j = i+1; j < g->nV; j++) {
         if (g->edges[i][j] != 0) {
            assert(n < nE);
            es[n++] = mkEdge(g,i,j);
   return n;

Adjacency List Representation:

typedef struct vNode *VList;
struct vNode { Vertex v; vList next; };
typedef struct graphRep GraphRep;
struct graphRep {
   int   nV;     // #vertices
   int   nE;     // #edges
   VList *edges; // array of lists
// check whether two vertices are connected
int neighbours(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex w)
   assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
   VList curr;
   curr = g->edges[v];
   while (curr != NULL) {
      if (curr->v == w) return 1;
   return 0;
// make new graph with nV vertices
Graph newGraph(int nV)
   int i, j;
   VList *e = malloc(nV * sizeof(VList));
   assert(e != NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < nV; i++) e[i] = NULL;
   Graph g = malloc(sizeof(GraphRep));
   assert(g != NULL);
   g->nV = nV;  g->nE = 0;  g->edges = e;
   return g;
// free memory allocated to graph
void  dropGraph(Graph g)
   assert(g != NULL);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++)
// show "printable" representation of graph
void  showGraph(Graph)
   assert(g != NULL);
   printf("V=%d, E=%d\n", g->nV, g->nE);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) {
      vNode *n = g->edges[i];
      while (n != NULL) {
         printf("%d-%d ",i,n->v);
         n = n->next;
      if (g->edges[i] != NULL) printf("\n");
// add new edge to a graph
void  insertE(Graph g, Edge e)
   assert(g != NULL);
   assert(validV(g,e.v) && validV(g,e.w));
   int orig = length(g->edges[e.v]);
   g->edges[e.v] = insertVList(g->edges[e.v], e.w);
   g->edges[e.w] = insertVList(g->edges[e.w], e.v);
   if (length(g->edges[e.v]) > orig) g->nE++;
// remove an edge from a graph
void  removeE(Graph g, Edge e)
   assert(g != NULL);
   assert(validV(g,e.v) && validV(g,e.w));
   int orig = length(g->edges[e.v]);
   g->edges[e.v] = deleteVList(g->edges[e.v], e.w);
   g->edges[e.w] = deleteVList(g->edges[e.w], e.v);
   if (length(g->edges[e.v]) < orig) g->nE--;
// returns #vertices & array of edges
int edges(Graph g, Edge *es, int nE)
   VList curr;
   assert(g != NULL && es != NULL);
   assert(nE >= g->nE);
   int w, n = 0;
   for (w = 0; w < g->nV; w++) {
      curr = g->edges[w];
      while (curr != NULL) {
         if (w < curr->v)
            es[n++] = mkEdge(g,w,curr->v);
         curr = curr->next;
   return n;


Path Checking:

int *visited;  // array of booleans
               // indexed by vertex 0..V-1

// DFS : depth-first search
int hasPath(Graph g, Vertex src, Vertex dest)
   int i;
   visited = malloc(g->nV*sizeof(int));
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) visited[i] = 0;
   return dfsPathCheck(g, src, dest);
int dfsPathCheck(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex dest)
   visited[v] = 1;
   Vertex w;
   for (w = 0; w < g->nV; w++) {
      if (g->edges[v][w] && w == dest)
         return 1; // found path
      if (g->edges[v][w] && !visited[w])
         return dfsPathCheck(g, w);
   return 0; // no path from src to dest

// BFS : breadth-first search
int hasPath(Graph g, Vertex src, Vertex dest)
   int *visited = calloc(g->nV,sizeof(int));
   Queue q = newQueue();
   int isFound = 0;
   while (!QueueIsEmpty(q) && !isFound) {
      Vertex y, x = QueueLeave(q);
      if (visited[x]) continue;
      for (y = 0; y < g->nV; y++) {
         if (!g->edges[x][y]) continue;
         if (y == dest) { isFound = 1; break; }
         if (!visited[y]) { QueueJoin(q,y); }
   return isFound;

Find and Display Shortest Path:

int findPath(Graph g, Vertex src, Vertex dest)
   int i;
   // array of "been visited" flags
   int *visited = malloc(g->nV * sizeof(int));
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) visited[i] = 0;
   // array of path predecessor vertices
   Vertex *path = malloc(g->nV * sizeof(Vertex));
   Queue q = newQueue();
   QueueJoin(q, src); visited[src] = 1;
   int isFound = 0;
   while (!emptyQ(q) && !isFound) {
      Vertex y, x = QueueLeave(q);
      for (y = 0; y < g->nV; y++) {
         if (!g->edges[x][y]) continue;
         path[y] = x;
         if (y == dest) { isFound = 1; break; }
         if (!visited[y]) {
            QueueJoin(q, y);
            visited[y] = 1;
   if (isFound) {
      // display path in dest..src order
      Vertex v;
      for (v = dest; v != src; v = path[v])
          printf("%d<-", v);
      printf("%d\n", src);

Connected Components:

int *componentOf;  // array of component ids
                   // indexed by vertex 0..V-1
int ncounted;      // # vertices included so far

void components(Graph g)
   void dfsComponents(Graph,Vertex,int);
   int i, comp = 0;
   componentOf = malloc(g->nV*sizeof(int));
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) componentOf[i] = -1;
   ncounted = 0;
   while (ncounted < g->nV) {
      Vertex v;
      for (v = 0; v < g->nV; v++)
         if (componentOf[v] == -1) break;
      dfsComponents(g, v, comp);
   // componentOf[] is now set
void dfsComponents(Graph g, Vertex v, int c)
   componentOf[v] = c;
   Vertex w;
   for (w = 0; w < g->nV; w++) {
      if (g->edges[v][w] && componentOf[w] == -1)
         dfsComponents(g, w, c);

Hamilton Path Check:

int *visited; // array of nV bools
int HamiltonR(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex w, int d)
   int t;
   if (v == w) return (d == 0) ? 1 : 0;
   visited[v] = 1;
   for (t = 0; t < g->nV; t++) {
      if (!neighbours(g,v,t)) continue;
      if (visited[v] == 1) continue;
      if (HamiltonR(g,t,w,d-1)) return 1;
   visited[v] = 0;
   return 0;
int hasHamiltonPath(Graph g, Vertex src, Vertex dest)
   visited = calloc(g->nV,sizeof(int));
   int res = HamiltonR(g, src, dest, g->nV-1);
   return res;


Digraph Interface/Representation:

// Same interface as for simple graphs
// Representation changes:
// - essentially the same data structures
// - if using adjacency matrix, no longer symmetric
// - if using adjacency lists, no longer store (v,w) and (w,v)

Web Crawler:

// abstract algorithm only
   mark startingURL as alreadySeen
   enqueue(Q, startingURL)
   while not empty(Q) {
      nextPage = dequeue(Q)
      visit nextPage
      foreach (hyperLink in nextPage) {
         if (hyperLink not alreadySeen) {
            mark hyperLink as alreadySeen
            enqueue(Q, hyperLink)

Reachability, Transitive Closure:

int **tc; // VxV matrix indicating reachability

// build an empty VxV matrix
int **makeMatrix(int nrows, int ncols, int init)
   int i, j;
   int **m = malloc(nrows * sizeof(int *));
   assert(m != NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
      m[i] = malloc(ncols*sizeof(int));
      assert(m[i] != NULL);
      for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++) m[i][j] = init;
   return m;
// build transitive closure matrix
void makeClosure(Graph g)
   int i, s, t, V = g->nV;
   tc = makeMatrix(V, V, 0);
   for (s = 0; s < V; s++) {
      for (t = 0; t < V; t++)
         tc[s][t] = g->edges[s][t];
   for (i = 0; i < V; i++) {
      for (s = 0; s < V; s++) {
         if (tc[s][i] == 0) continue;
         for (t = 0; t < V; t++)
            if (tc[i][t] == 1) tc[s][t] = 1;
   g->tc = tc;
// is there some path from src to dest
int reachable(Graph g, Vertex src, Vertex dest)
    if (g->tc == NULL) makeClosure(g);
    return g->tc[src][dest];

Weighted Graphs

Graph Interface:

// visible data structures for Graphs
typedef struct GraphRep *Graph;
// vertices denoted by integers 0..N-1
typedef int Vertex;
// edges are end-points + weight
typedef struct { Vertex src; Vertex dest; float weight; } Edge;
// auxiliary operations on graphs
int validV(Graph,Vertex); // validity check
Edge mkEdge(Graph, Vertex, Vertex, float); // edge creation
int neighbours(Graph, Vertex, Vertex); // edge existence
float compareE(Edge e1, Edge e2); // compare edge weights
// core operations on graphs
// make new graph with nV vertices
Graph newGraph(int nV);
// free memory allocated to graph
void  dropGraph(Graph);
// show "printable" representation of graph
void  showGraph(Graph);
// add new edge to a graph
void  insertE(Graph, Edge);
// remove an edge from a graph
void  removeE(Graph, Edge);
// returns #vertices & array of edges
int   edges(Graph, Edge *, int);

Implementation of Auxiliary Operations:

// is a vertex valid in a given Graph?
static int validV(Graph g, Vertex v)
   return (g != NULL && v >= 0 && v < g->nV);
// make an Edge value
Edge mkEdge(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex w)
   assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
   Edge new;
   new.src = src;
   new.dest = dest;
   new.weight = weight;
   return new;
// compare Edge weights
int compareE(Edge e1, Edge e2)
   return e1.weight - e2.weight;

Adjacency Matrix Representation:

// since 0 is a valid weight, can't use it for "no edge"
// need a distinguished value to indicate "no edge"
#define NO_EDGE MAXFLOAT  // imaginary distinguished float value
typedef struct GraphRep {
   int    nV;    // #vertices
   int    nE;    // #edges
   Bool **edges; // matrix of booleans
} GraphRep;
// check whether two vertices are connected
int neighbours(Graph g, Vertex v, Vertex w)
	assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
	return (g->edges[v][w] != NO_EDGE);
// make new graph with nV vertices
Graph newGraph(int nV)
   assert(nV >= 0);
   int i, j;
   float **e = malloc(nV * sizeof(float *));
   assert(e != NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < nV; i++) {
      e[i] = malloc(nV * sizeof(float));
      assert(e[i] != NULL);
      for (j = 0; j < nV; j++)
         e[i][j] = NO_EDGE;
   Graph g = malloc(sizeof(GraphRep));
   assert(g != NULL);
   g->nV = nV;  g->nE = 0;  g->edges = e;
   return g;
// free memory allocated to graph
void  dropGraph(Graph g)
   assert(g != NULL);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++)
// show "printable" representation of graph
void  showGraph(Graph g)
   assert(g != NULL);
   printf("V=%d, E=%d\n", g->nV, g->nE);
   int i, j;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) {
      int nshown = 0;
      for (j = i+1; j < g->nV; j++) {
         float wt = g->edges[i][j];
         if (wt != NO_EDGE) {
            printf("%d-%0.1f-%d ",i,wt,j);
      if (nshown > 0) printf("\n");
// add new edge to a graph
void insertE(Graph g, Edge e)
   assert(g != NULL);
   Vertex v = e.src, w = e.dest;
   assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
   if (G->edges[v][w] == NO_EDGE) g->nE++;
   g->edges[v][w] = e.weight;
// remove an edge from a graph
void removeE(Graph g, Edge e)
   assert(g != NULL);
   Vertex v = e.src, w = e.dest;
   assert(validV(g,v) && validV(g,w));
   if (g->edges[v][w] == NO_EDGE) return;
   g->edges[v][w] = NO_EDGE;
   g->edges[w][v] = NO_EDGE;
// returns #vertices & array of edges
int edges(Graph g, Edge *es, int nE)
   assert(g != NULL && es != NULL);
   assert(nE >= g->nE);
   int i, j, n = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) {
      for (j = i+1; j < g->nV; j++) {
         if (g->edges[i][j] != NO_EDGE) {
            assert(n < nE);
            es[n++] = mkEdge(g,i,j);
   return n;

Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal):

typedef Graph MSTree; // an MST is a specialised Graph
// assumes existence of list-of-edges ADT
MSTree kruskalFindMST(Graph g)
   Graph mst = newGraph(); //MST initially empty
   EdgeList eList; //sorted list of edges
   int i;  Edge e;  int eSize = sizeof(Edge);
   edges(eList, g->nE, g);
   eList = qsort(sorted, g->nE, eSize, compareE);
   for (i = 0; mst->nE < g->nV-1; i++) {
      e = eList[i];
      insertE(mst, e);
      if (hasCycle(mst)) removeE(mst, e);

Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim):

typedef Graph MSTree; // an MST is a specialised Graph
// assumes existence of set-of-edges ADT
// assumes existence of set-of-vertices ADT
MSTree primFindMST(Graph g)
   EdgeSet mst = {}; //MST initially empty
   VertexSet vSet = {0}; // start vertex
   EdgeSet fringe = {}; //edges at "fringe"
   Vertex curr, s, t;  Edge e;  float w;
   fringe = edgesAt(0);
   while (card(vSet) < g->nV) {
      find e in fringe with minimum cost
      fringe = exclude(fringe, e)
      (s,curr,w) = e
      vSet = include(vSet, curr)
      mst = include(mst, e)
      foreach (e in edgesAt(curr)) {
         (s,t,w) = e  // s == curr
         if (!isElem(t,vSet))
            fringe = include(fringe,e)

Single-source Shortest Path (Dijkstra):

float *dist; dist[d] = distance of shortest path from s..d
Vertex *pred; pred[v] = predecessor of v in shortest path
// assumes existence of set-of-vertices ADT
// assumes existence of priority queue ADT
// abstract algorithm only ...
MSTree shortestPath(Graph g, Vertex s)
   VertexSet vSet = {}; // visited vertices
   PQueue todo = newPQueue(); // edges to be considered
   float *dist = malloc(g->nV*sizeof(float);
   for (int i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) dist[i] = MAXFLOAT;
   dist[s] = 0.0;
   Vertex *pred = malloc(g->nV*sizeof(Vertex));
   for (i = 0; i < g->nV; i++) pred[i] = -1;
   Vertex v, w, s, t;  Edge e;  float wt;
   PQueueJoin(todo, s, dist[s]);
   while (!PQueueIsEmpty(todo)) {
      v = PQueueLeave(todo);
      if (isElem(vSet,v)) continue;
      vSet = include(vSet, v)
      foreach (e=(v,w,wt) in edgesAt(v)) {
         if (dist[v] + wt < dist[w]) {
            dist[w] = dist[v] + wt;
            pred[w] = v;
            PQueueJoin(todo, w, dist[w]);