COMP1927: Dijkstra's Algorith - Shortest Paths

(* the above algorithm is from the book "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java", 6th Edition, By: Michael T. Goodrich; Roberto Tamassia, John Wiley & Sons)

Example-1 (for Dijkstra's Algorithm)


Find shortest paths (using Dijkstra's Algorithm) for the following graph, start vertex is BWI.

Predecessor List
(a dot (.) means no entry exists on the predecessor list)
Action  Cloud  Priority Queue JFK  MIA  BOS   DFW PVD  SFO  LAX  ORD 
 { } [  (0, BWI), (inf, JFK), (inf,ORD), (inf, MIA),  (inf, DFW), (inf, BOS), (inf, PVD),  (inf, SFO), (inf, LAX) ] . . . . . . . .
pull BWI into the cloud  + BWI (0) [  (184, JFK), (621,ORD), (946, MIA),  (inf, DFW), (inf, BOS), (inf, PVD),  (inf, SFO), (inf, LAX) ] BWI BWI . . . . . BWI
pull JFK into the cloud  +  JFK (184) [ (328, PVD), (371, BOS), (621, ORD), (946, MIA), (1575, DFW),   (inf, SFO), (inf, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK JFK JFK . . BWI
pull PVD + PVD (328) [  (371, BOS), (621, ORD), (946, MIA), (1575, DFW),  (inf, SFO), (inf, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK JFK JFK . . BWI
pull BOS +  BOS (371) [  (621, ORD), (946, MIA), (1575, DFW),  (3075, SFO), (inf, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK JFK JFK BOS . BWI
pull ORD, 
update DFW and SFO
+ ORD (621) (946, MIA), (1423, DFW),  (2467, SFO), (inf, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK ORD JFK ORD . BWI
pull MIA +  MIA (946)   (1423, DFW),  (2467, SFO), (3288, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK ORD JFK ORD MIA BWI
pull DFW, 
update LAX
+ DFW (1423) [  (2467, SFO), (2658, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK ORD JFK ORD DFW BWI
pull SFO + SFO (2467) (2658, LAX) ] BWI BWI JFK ORD JFK ORD DFW BWI

To recover the path itself, trace back through the Predecessor table. E.g., the shortest path to LAX goes through (in reverse order) LAX, DFW, ORD, BWI.

(*The above example is from the book "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java", 6th Edition, By: Michael T. Goodrich; Roberto Tamassia, John Wiley & Sons)