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Course Assessment

labs                = mark for lab exercises         (out of  5)
ass1                = mark for assignment 1          (out of  9)
ass2                = mark for assignment 2          (out of 14)
practicalLabExams   = mark for practicalLabExams     (out of 12)
finalExam           = finalPracExam (36) + finalTheoryExam (24)          (out of 60)

mark      = labs + assignmentMarks + practicalLabExams + finalExam
grade     = HD|DN|CR|PS  if mark >= 50 && okALL
          = FL           if mark <  50 
          = UF           if mark >= 50 && !okALL

okALL is calculated as below: okPracticalLabExams = (practicalLabExams >= 8/12) okFinalPracExam = (finalPracExam > 18/36 ) okALL = okPracticalLabExams && okFinalPracExam
assignmentMarks is calculated as below: assignmentMarks = ass1 + ass2 assPerc = assignmentMarks in percentages (out of 100) pracExamPerc = finalPracExam in percentages (out of 100) if( assPerc > pracExamPerc ) { // harmonic mean of assPerc and pracExamPerc adjusted_assPerc = (2 * assPerc * pracExamPerc) / (assPerc + pracExamPerc) assignmentMarks = 23 * (adjusted_assPerc / 100) }

In other words, if you don't learn how to program by doing the prac work yourself, you'll score poorly in the finalPracExam, resulting in reduced assignment marks and making it very difficult for you to pass the course.

For more clarification on adjusted_assPerc (or why you should do the prac work yourself!), see the following table:
