Week 11: Heaps



Heaps can be viewed as trees with top-to-bottom ordering
(cf. binary search trees which have left-to-right ordering)


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Heaps are typically used for implementing Priority Queues

Since heaps are dense trees, depth = floor(log2N)+1

Insertion cost = O(logN),   Deletion cost = O(logN)

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Heaps grow as follows (level-order):


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BSTs are typically implemented as linked data structures.

Heaps are typically implemented via arrays.

Simple index calculations allow navigation through the tree:


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Heap data structure:

typedef struct HeapRep {
   Item *items;  // array of Items
   int  nitems;  // #items in array
   int  nslots;  // #elements in array
} HeapRep;

typedef HeapRep *Heap;

Initialisation is similar to that for simple Hash Tables.

One difference: we use indexes from 1..nitems

Note: unlike "normal" C arrays, nitems also gives index of last item

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Creating new heap:

Heap newHeap(int N)
   Heap new = malloc(sizeof(HeapRep));
   Item *a = malloc((N+1)*sizeof(Item));
   assert(new != NULL && a != NULL);
   new->items = a;   // no initialisation needed
   new->nitems = 0;  // counter and index
   new->nslots = N;  // index range 1..N

Insertion with Heaps8/16

Insertion is a two-step process


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Insertion into heap:

void insert(Heap h, Item it)
   assert(h->nitems < h->nslots);
   h->items[h->nitems] = it;
   fixUp(h->items, h->nitems);

Always start new item at next available position on bottom level
(corresponds to next free element in the array (i.e. items[nitems])

Heaps 10/16

Heaps can be viewed as trees with top-to-bottom ordering.

Heaps are typically implemented via arrays.

Simple index calculations allow navigation through the tree:


Insertion with Heaps11/16

Insertion is a two-step process

void insert(Heap h, Item it)
   assert(h->nitems < h->nslots);
   h->items[h->nitems] = it;
   fixUp(h->items, h->nitems);

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Bottom-up heapify:

// force value at a[i] into correct position
void fixUp(Item a[], int i)
   while (i > 1 && less(a[i/2],a[i])) {
      swap(a, i, i/2);
      i = i/2;  // integer division
void swap(Item a[], int i, int j)
   Item tmp = a[i];
   a[i] = a[j];
   a[j] = tmp;

Exercise: Heap Construction13/16

Show the construction of the heap produced by inserting:


The first four steps:


Deletion with Heaps14/16

Deletion is a three-step process:


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Deletion from heap (always remove root):

Item delete(Heap h)
   Item top = h->items[1];
   // overwrite first by last
   h->items[1] = h->items[h->nitems];
   // move new root to correct position
   fixDown(h->items, 1, h->nitems);
   return top;

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Top-down heapify:

// force value at a[i] into correct position
// note that N gives max index *and* # items
void fixDown(Item a[], int i, int N)
   while (2*i <= N) {
      // compute address of left child
      int j = 2*i;
      // choose larger of two children
      if (j < N && less(a[j], a[j+1])) j++;
      if (!less(a[i], a[j])) break;
      swap(a, i, j);
      // move one level down the heap
      i = j;

Produced: 11 Oct 2017