COMP 2521 - Ass 2 : Testing your API Implementations

[ Part-1 and 2 | Part-3 ]

Please note that testing an API implementation is very important and crucial part of designing and implementing an API. We offer the following testing interfaces (for all three APIs) for you to get started, however note that they only test basic cases. Importantly,

Download and unzip the following file, it will create a directory named "Ass2_testing".


Part-1 and Part-2


If you just run ./testDijkstra [input file] such as ./testDijkstra graphs/ you will get the shortest path output for your search on the input graph. If you want to compare the output against a sample correct solution use the provided script which compares against the correct output in /dijkstraPaths

do ./ 1 to test your search on graph 1

to run on all graphs use ./


If you just run ./testCentralityMeasure you will get a help message on how to use the test interface.

Usage: ./testCentralityMeasures [file] [flag]
Valid Flags:
    c    : closeness centrality
    b    : betweenness centrality
    bn   : betweenness centrality normalised

If you wanted to see the output for your "closeness centrality " function for the 2nd test graph you would run:
./testCentralityMeasures graphs/ c

If you wanted to see the output for your "betweenness centrality" function for the 2nd test graph you would run:
./testCentralityMeasures graphs/ b

If you wanted to see the output for your "betweenness centrality normalised" function for the 2nd test graph you would run:
./testCentralityMeasures graphs/ bn

If you want to compare the output against a sample correct expected solution, use the provided script which compares against the correct expected output in /graphMeasurements

do ./ 1 c to view "closeness centrality" on graph 1

do ./ 1 to view all centrality measurements on graph 1

do ./ to view all centrality measurements on all graphs


You can use one of the following commands to test your LanceWilliamsHAC API. The five graphs used for the following are ./graphs/, ./graphs/, ..., ./graphs/

% ./ 1
% ./ 2
% ./ 3
% ./ 4

To get more information on the test cases covered, please read the client testing program testLanceWilliamsHAC.c used for testing your API.