Graph Traversal

COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Graph Traversal [0/22]
❖ Problems on Graphs

What kind of problems do we want to solve on graphs?

While these problems are expressed as problems on graphs, they are interesting because many real world problems can be mapped onto graphs, and the solutions to the above could then be applied in solving them.

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❖ Graph Traversal

Many of the above problems can be solved by

Algorithms for this typically require us to remember Since many graph search algorithms are recursive Systematic exploration like this is called traversal or search.
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❖ ... Graph Traversal

Consider two related problems on graphs ...

An approach to solving this problem: The above summarises one form of graph traversal.
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❖ ... Graph Traversal

There are two strategies for graph traversal/search ...

Depth-first search  (DFS)

Breadth-first search  (BFS) The method on the previous slide is effectively breadth-first traversal.
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❖ ... Graph Traversal

Comparison of BFS/DFS search for checking hasPath(a,h)?


Both approaches ignore some edges by remembering previously visited vertices.

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❖ ... Graph Traversal

A spanning tree of a graph

Consider the following graph:


Consider how DFS and BFS could produce its spanning tree

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❖ ... Graph Traversal

Spanning tree resulting from DFS ...


Note: choose neighbours in ascending order

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❖ ... Graph Traversal

Spanning tree resulting from BFS ...


Note: choose neighbours in ascending order

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❖ Depth-first Search

Depth-first search can be described recursively as

visited = {}

|  visited = visited ∪ {v}
|  for all (v,w) ∈ edges(G) do
|  |  if w ∉ visited then
|  |  |  depthFirst(G,w)
|  |  end if
|  end for

The recursion induces backtracking

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❖ ... Depth-first Search

Recursive DFS path checking

visited = {}

|  Input  graph G, vertices src,dest
|  Output true if there is a path from src to dest,
|         false otherwise
|  return dfsPathCheck(G,src,dest)

Requires wrapper around recursive function  dfsPathCheck()

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❖ ... Depth-first Search

Recursive function for path checking

|  visited = visited ∪ {v}
|  for all (v,w) ∈ edges(G) do
|  |  if w=dest then   // found edge to dest
|  |     return true
|  |  else if w ∉ visited then
|  |     if dfsPathCheck(G,w,dest) then
|  |        return true  // found path via w to dest
|  |     end if
|  |  end if
|  end for
|  return false  // no path from v to dest

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❖ Depth-first Traversal Example

Tracing the execution of dfsPathCheck(G,0,5) on:


Reminder: we consider neighbours in ascending order

Clearly does not find the shortest path

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❖ DFS Cost Analysis

Cost analysis:

Time complexity of DFS:   O(V+E)   (adjacency list representation)
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❖ Path Finding

Knowing whether a path exists can be useful

Knowing what the path is, is even more useful


Requires a global array (not a set):

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❖ ... Path Finding

Function to find path src→dest and print it

visited[] // store previously visited node
          // for each vertex 0..nV-1

|  Input graph G, vertices src,dest
|  for all vertices v∈G do
|     visited[v]=-1
|  end for
|  visited[src]=src  // starting node of the path
|  if dfsPathCheck(G,src,dest) then
|  |  // show path in dest..src order
|  |  v=dest
|  |  while v≠src do
|  |     print v"-"
|  |     v=visited[v]
|  |  end while
|  |  print src
|  end if

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❖ ... Path Finding

Recursive function to build path in visited[]

|  for all (v,w) ∈ edges(G) do
|  |  if visited[w] = -1 then
|  |     visited[w] = v
|  |     if w = dest then  // found edge from v to dest
|  |        return true
|  |     else if dfsPathCheck(G,w,dest) then
|  |        return true  // found path via w to dest
|  |     end if
|  |  end if
|  end for
|  return false  // no path from v to dest

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❖ ... Path Finding

The visited[] array after dfsPathCheck(G,0,7) succeeds


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❖ ... Path Finding

DFS can also be described non-recursively (via a stack):

visited[] // store previously visited node
          // for each vertex 0..nV-1

|  Input graph G, vertices src,dest
|  for all vertices v∈G do
|     visited[v]=-1
|  end for
|  found=false
|  visited[src]=src
|  push src onto new stack S
|  while not found ∧ S is not empty do
|  |  pop v from S
|  |  if v=dest then
|  |     found=true
|  |  else
|  |  |  for each (v,w)∈edges(G) with visited[w]=-1 do
|  |  |     visited[w]=v
|  |  |     push w onto S
|  |  |  end for
|  |  end if
|  end while
|  if found then
|     display path in dest..src order
|  end if

Uses standard stack operations ... Time complexity is still O(V+E)

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❖ Breadth-first Search

Basic approach to breadth-first search (BFS):

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❖ ... Breadth-first Search

BFS path finding algorithm:

visited[] // store previously visited node
          // for each vertex 0..nV-1

|  Input  graph G, vertices src,dest
|  for all vertices v∈G do
|     visited[v]=-1
|  end for
|  found=false
|  visited[src]=src
|  enqueue src into queue Q
|  while not found ∧ Q is not empty do
|  |  dequeue v from Q
|  |  if v=dest then
|  |     found=true
|  |  else
|  |  |  for each (v,w) ∈ edges(G) with visited[w]=-1 do
|  |  |     visited[w]=v
|  |  |     enqueue w into Q
|  |  |  end for
|  |  end if
|  end while
|  if found then
|     display path in dest..src order
|  end if

Uses standard queue operations   (enqueue, dequeue, check if empty)

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❖ ... Breadth-first Search

The visited[] array after findPathBFS(G,0,7) succeeds


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❖ ... Breadth-first Search

Time complexity of BFS: O(V+E)   (same as DFS)

BFS finds a "shortest" path

In many applications, edges are weighted and we want path

We discuss weighted/directed graphs later.
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Produced: 22 Jun 2020