Higher-order Functions

COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Higher-order Functions [0/21]
❖ Higher-order Functions

Recall the quicksort library function

void qsort(void *base, size_t nelems, size_t width,
           int (*compare)(const void *, const void *));

Sorts an array of items of any type  (hence (void *))

Example call: qsort(myArray, 10, sizeof(char *), strcmp)
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❖ ... Higher-order Functions

qsort() is an example of a higher-order function

Functional programming languages support higher-order functions
A useful place to explore higher-order functions: (recursive) functions on lists

Note that recursive functions are not necessarily higher-order, but they can be

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❖ ... Higher-order Functions

Regular functions vs Higher-order functions (in C)


COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Higher-order Functions [3/21]
❖ Pointers to Functions

C is definitely not a functional language

Consider   int (*compare)(const void *, const void *) The  const  declaration doesn't change the meaning
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❖ ... Pointers to Functions

How to get a value which is a function pointer ...

Writing a function name followed by a parenthesis '(' Example: strcmp("abc","def"),  fgets(buf,10,stdin), ...
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❖ ... Pointers to Functions

Function pointers ...

Example of use:

//define a function pointer variable "fp"
int (*fp)(List); 
// assign a value to this variable
fp = &length;
// apply the function being pointed to
n = (*fp)(L);   // same as n = length(L)

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❖ Recursive functions on Lists

For this discussion, we define List as:

// a list node contains an integer value
typedef struct _node {
   int val;
   struct _node *next;
} Node;
// a List is a pointer to its first Node
typedef Node *List;
// we also uses Sedgewick's definition
typedef Node *Link;

The difference between List and Link

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❖ ... Recursive functions on Lists

The following functions help with list manipulation:

// returns a new empty List
List new();
// checks whether L is empty
bool empty(List L);
// returns first element in L
int head(List L);
// returns all but first element in L
List tail(List L);
// returns new list with x as head and L as tail
List insert(int x, List L);
// returns new list with x as last element
List append(List L, int x);
// returns new list which is concatenation of lists L1 and L2
List concat(List L1, List L2);

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❖ Folding Lists

Example: determining the length of a list

// empty list has length 0
// a non-empty list has at least one element
//  plus as many as are in the rest of the list

int length(List L)
   if (empty(L))
     return 0;  // base case
     return 1 + length(tail(L));

Exercise: write an iterative version using the empty/head/tail operations

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❖ ... Folding Lists

Example: sum of values in a list

// empty list has sum 0
// a non-empty list has at least one element
//  plus the sum of the rest of the list

int sum(List L)
   if (empty(L))
     return 0;  // base case
     return head(L) + sum(tail(L));

Note similar structure to length()

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❖ ... Folding Lists

sum() and length() are examples of ...

This is commonly called fold() and defined as

int fold(List L, int (*f)(int x, int y), int id)

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❖ ... Folding Lists

The sum function could be defined using fold

int add(int x, int y) { return x+y; }
int sum(List L) { return fold(L, add, 0); }

We could define product using the same approach

int mult(int x, int y) { return x*y; }
int product(List L) { return fold(L, mult, 1); }

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❖ ... Folding Lists

The fold function is defined as

// compute f(L1, f(L2, f(L3, ... f(Ln,id))))

int fold(List L, int (*f)(int x, int y), int id)
   if (empty(L))
      return id;
      return f( head(L), fold(tail(L),f,id) );

Example:  fold([1,2,3],add,0)  computes  add(1,add(2,add(3,0)))

COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Higher-order Functions [13/21]
❖ Mapping a List

Example: print items in a list (one per line)

// print first item, on a line by itself
// then print the rest of the items

void putList(List L) {
   if (!empty(L)) {

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❖ ... Mapping a List

Example: doubling each item in a list

// apply a function to each item in a list

void doubleUp(List L)
   if (!empty(L)) {
      head(L) = 2 * head(L);


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❖ ... Mapping a List

printList() and doubleUp() are examples of ...

This is commonly called map() and defined as

void map(List L, void (*f)(Link x));

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❖ ... Mapping a List

Defining doubleUp using map

void timesTwo(Link n) { n->val = n->val * 2; }
void doubleUp(List L) { map(L, timesTwo); }

Defining printList using map

void showItem(Link n) { printf("%d\n",n->val); }
void printList(List L) { map(L, showItem); }

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❖ ... Mapping a List

The map function could be defined as

void map(List L, void (*f)(Link x))
   if (!empty(L)) {
      map(tail(L), f);

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❖ ... Mapping a List

A variation on map returns a new list

List mapp(List L, int (*f)(int x))
   if (empty(L))
      return new();
      return insert( f(head(L)), mapp(tail(L),f) );

insert(int x, List L) puts a new node containing x at the front of the list

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❖ Example: list of fibs

If we had the following two functions:

// returns a list [1,2,3,...,n]
List seq(int n) { ... }
// returns n'th fibonacci number
int fibonacci(int n) { ... }

Then we could build a list of the first n Fibonacci numbers as

List firstNfib(int n) { return map(seq(n), fibonacci); }

COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Higher-order Functions [20/21]
❖ Example: length of a List

A function that computes the length of a list by

int one(int x) { return 1; }
int add(int x, int y) { return x+y; }

int length(List L)
    { return fold(mapp(L,one), add, 0); }

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Produced: 7 Aug 2020