
COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Tries [0/15]
❖ Tries

A trie

Note: generally assume "string" = character string; could be bit-string

Note: Trie comes from retrieval ;  but pronounced as "try" not "tree"

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Each node in a trie …

A "finishing" node marks the end of one key

Depth d of trie = length of longest key value

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Trie example:


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Possible trie representation:

#define ALPHABET_SIZE 26

typedef struct Node *Trie;

typedef struct Node {
   char onechar;     // current char in key
   Trie child[ALPHABET_SIZE];
   bool finish;      // last char in key?
   Item data;        // no Item if !finish
} Node;

typedef char *Key;   // just lower-case letters

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Above representation is space inefficient

If we allowed all ascii chars in alphabet, 128 children

Could reduce branching factor by reducing "alphabet"

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Note: Can also use BST-like nodes (cf. red-black trees) ...


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❖ Searching in Tries

Search requires traversing a path, char-by-char from Key:

|  Input  trie, key
|  Output pointer to element in trie if key found
|         NULL otherwise
|  node=trie
|  for each char c in key do
|  |  if node.child[c] exists then
|  |     node=node.child[c]  // move down one level
|  |  else
|  |     return NULL
|  |  end if
|  end for
|  if node.finish then  // "finishing" node reached?
|     return node
|  else
|     return NULL
|  end if

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❖ ... Searching in Tries


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❖ ... Searching in Tries


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❖ ... Searching in Tries


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❖ Insertion into Tries

Insertion into a Trie ...

Trie insert(trie,item,key):
|  Input  trie, item with key of length m
|  Output trie with item inserted
|  if trie is empty then
|  |  t=new trie node
|  end if
|  if m=0 then  // end of key
|  |  t.finish=true,
|  else
|  |  first=key[0],  rest=key[1..m-1]
|  |  t.child[first]=insert(t.child[first],item,rest)
|  end if
|  return t

COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Tries [11/15]
❖ Cost Analysis

Analysis of standard trie:

COMP2521 20T2 ♢ Tries [12/15]
❖ Example Trie

Example text and corresponding trie of searchable words:


Note: trie has no prefixes  ⇒  all finishing nodes are leaves

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❖ Compressed Tries

Compressed tries



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❖ ... Compressed Tries

Compact representation of compressed trie to encode array S  of strings:



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Produced: 11 Jul 2020