FAQ 1.0

Assignment 1 FAQ

Q. What if my assignment will not fit within the 5 page limits as the assignment specification suggests?

A. If you exceed the 5 pages, you will not be marked down as long as the report is still concise and readable. Try to keep your recommendations to under 1.5 pages.

Q. What do I draw for the flow chart?

A. Try to sketch the steps the user will experience when using the system. It doesn't have to be exhaustive but at least conveys a typical path through the system. Have a look at the example in the assignment specification.

Q. What is the the issue number?

A. It is just a unique number. In the assignment specification the long number 123-001 means project 123, issue number 001.

Q. How do I generate PDF files

A. There are several ways to do this:

Q. Where can I find the cover sheet for Assignment 1?

A. We are modifying the standard school cover sheet and it will be made available shortly.

Q. How do I submit my paper version of the assignment?

A. Hand in the paper based version with the cover sheet to the school office. Remember to staple your museum ticket to the cover.

Q. How do I submit the electronic version of the paper?

A. The electronic version will be submitted using the give system. Don't worry if you don't have a scanner for images. If the electronic version has the text that should be sufficient.