theory week09B_demo_monad imports "HOL-Library.Monad_Syntax" begin text \ Shallowly embedded arithmetic expressions \ \ \In a shallow embedding, two expressions are equal if they evaluate to the same thing.\ lemma "x + x = 2 * (x::nat)" by simp text \ Deeply embedded arithmetic expressions \ datatype arith_exp = Var string | Const nat | Add arith_exp arith_exp | Mul arith_exp arith_exp fun arith_reduce :: "(string \ nat) \ arith_exp \ nat" where "arith_reduce st (Var s) = st s" | "arith_reduce st (Const n) = n" | "arith_reduce st (Add n m) = arith_reduce st n + arith_reduce st m" | "arith_reduce st (Mul n m) = arith_reduce st n * arith_reduce st m" \ \Deep embeddings can have syntactically different expressions... \ lemma "Add (Var ''x'') (Var ''x'') \ Mul (Const 2) (Var ''x'')" by simp \ \...whose semantics are nonetheless equal: \ lemma "arith_reduce st (Add (Var ''x'') (Var ''x'')) = arith_reduce st (Mul (Const 2) (Var ''x''))" by simp text \ The nondeterministic state monad with failure \ type_synonym ('s,'a) nondet_monad = "'s \ (('a \ 's) set \ bool)" definition return :: "'a \ ('s,'a) nondet_monad" where "return x \ \s. ({(x,s)},False)" definition bind :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad \ ('a \ ('s,'b) nondet_monad) \ ('s,'b) nondet_monad" where "bind a b \ \s. ({(r'',s''). \ (r',s') \ fst (a s). (r'',s'') \ fst (b r' s')}, snd (a s) \ (\(r', s') \ fst (a s). snd (b r' s')))" (* Use standard monad syntax for our new "bind" *) adhoc_overloading Monad_Syntax.bind bind (* Always use do-notation *) translations "CONST bind_do" == "CONST Monad_Syntax.bind" lemma "return x >>= f = f x" apply(unfold bind_def return_def) apply simp done lemma "m >>= return = m" apply(rule ext) apply(simp add: bind_def return_def) apply(rule prod_eqI) apply auto done lemma "(a >>= b) >>= c = (a >>= (\s. b s >>= c) :: ('s,'a) nondet_monad)" apply(rule ext) apply(fastforce simp: bind_def split: prod.splits) done definition get :: "('s,'s) nondet_monad" where "get \ \s. ({(s,s)},False)" definition put :: "'s \ ('s,unit) nondet_monad" where "put s \ \_. ({((),s)},False)" definition gets :: "('s \ 'a) \ ('s,'a) nondet_monad" where "gets f \ get >>= (\s. return (f s))" definition modify :: "('s \ 's) \ ('s,unit) nondet_monad" where "modify f \ get >>= (\s. put (f s))" definition fail :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad" where "fail \ \_. ({},True)" definition assert :: "bool \ ('s,unit) nondet_monad" where "assert P \ if P then return () else fail" definition guard :: "('s \ bool) \ ('s,unit) nondet_monad" where "guard P \ get >>= (\s. assert (P s))" definition select :: "'a set \ ('s,'a) nondet_monad" where "select A \ \s. ((A \ {s}),False)" definition alternative :: "('s,'a) nondet_monad \ ('s,'a) nondet_monad \ ('s,'a) nondet_monad" (infixl "OR" 20) where "alternative a b \ (\s. (fst (a s) \ (fst (b s)),snd (a s) \ snd (b s)))" text \ We use an abstract type for pointers. Later we will talk more about how to faithfully model pointers. \ typedecl ptr record state = hp :: "ptr \ int" pvalid :: "ptr \ bool" definition func :: "ptr \ (state,unit) nondet_monad" where "func p \ do { y \ guard (\s. pvalid s p); x \ gets (\s. hp s p); if x < 10 then modify (hp_update (\h. (h(p := x + 1)))) else return () }" inductive_set whileLoop_results :: "('r \ 's \ bool) \ ('r \ ('s, 'r) nondet_monad) \ ((('r \ 's) option) \ (('r \ 's) option)) set" for C B where "\ \ C r s \ \ (Some (r, s), Some (r, s)) \ whileLoop_results C B" | "\ C r s; snd (B r s) \ \ (Some (r, s), None) \ whileLoop_results C B" | "\ C r s; (r', s') \ fst (B r s); (Some (r', s'), z) \ whileLoop_results C B \ \ (Some (r, s), z) \ whileLoop_results C B" inductive_cases whileLoop_results_cases_valid: "(Some x, Some y) \ whileLoop_results C B" inductive_cases whileLoop_results_cases_fail: "(Some x, None) \ whileLoop_results C B" inductive_simps whileLoop_results_simps: "(Some x, y) \ whileLoop_results C B" inductive_simps whileLoop_results_simps_valid: "(Some x, Some y) \ whileLoop_results C B" inductive_simps whileLoop_results_simps_start_fail [simp]: "(None, x) \ whileLoop_results C B" inductive whileLoop_terminates :: "('r \ 's \ bool) \ ('r \ ('s, 'r) nondet_monad) \ 'r \ 's \ bool" for C B where "\ C r s \ whileLoop_terminates C B r s" | "\ C r s; \(r', s') \ fst (B r s). whileLoop_terminates C B r' s' \ \ whileLoop_terminates C B r s" inductive_cases whileLoop_terminates_cases: "whileLoop_terminates C B r s" inductive_simps whileLoop_terminates_simps: "whileLoop_terminates C B r s" definition "whileLoop C B \ (\r s. ({(r',s'). (Some (r, s), Some (r', s')) \ whileLoop_results C B}, (Some (r, s), None) \ whileLoop_results C B \ (\ whileLoop_terminates C B r s)))" notation (output) whileLoop ("(whileLoop (_)// (_))" [1000, 1000] 1000) consts ptrAdd :: "ptr \ nat \ ptr" term "whileLoop (\p s. hp s p = 0) (\p. return (ptrAdd p 1)) p" definition valid :: "('s \ bool) \ ('s,'a) nondet_monad \ ('a \ 's \ bool) \ bool" ("\_\/ _ /\_\") where "\P\ f \Q\ \ \s. P s \ (\(r,s') \ fst (f s). Q r s')" lemma return_wp: "\P x\ return x \P\" by(simp add: valid_def return_def) lemma get_wp: "\\s. P s s\ get \P\" by(simp add: valid_def get_def) lemma gets_wp: "\\s. P (f s) s\ gets f \P\" by(simp add:valid_def split_def gets_def return_def get_def bind_def) lemma modify_wp: "\\s. P () (f s)\ modify f \P\" by(simp add:valid_def split_def modify_def get_def put_def bind_def) lemma put_wp: "\\s. P () x\ put x \P\" by(simp add:valid_def put_def) lemma hoare_weaken_pre: "\\Q\ a \R\; \s. P s \ Q s\ \ \P\ a \R\" by(auto simp: valid_def) lemma fail_wp: "\\_. True\ fail \Q\" by(simp add: fail_def valid_def) lemma if_wp: "\ P \ \Q\ f \S\; \P \ \R\ g \S\ \ \ \\s. (P \ Q s) \ (\P \ R s)\ if P then f else g \S\" by simp (* do this proof using wp rules above *) lemma assert_wp: "\\s. P \ Q () s\ assert P \Q\" sorry lemma bind_wp: "\ \x. \B x\ g x \C\; \A\ f \B\ \ \ \A\ do { x \ f; g x } \C\" by(force simp: valid_def bind_def split: prod.splits) lemma select_wp: "\\s. \x \ S. Q x s\ select S \Q\" by (simp add: select_def valid_def) lemma guard_wp: "\\s. P s \ Q () s\ guard P \Q\" sorry lemma func_lemma: "\\s. hp s p \ 10 \ Q () s\ func p \Q\" sorry end