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School of Computer Science & Engineering
University of New South Wales

 Advanced Operating Systems 
 COMP9242 2010/S2 

SOS framework

This document describes the provided SOS framework. This is provided to make it easier for you to get started with the project. The source code itself should be reasonably well commented, and you should ensure that you understand the provided source code.

Although you are free to change the build system and layout of the project it is discouraged for the following reasons:

SConstruct and the SCons build system

We have provided a fairly comprehensive build system for you, however you will need to edit the SConstruct (found in projects/sos/) throughout your project as you add new libraries and applications. The SConstruct itself is commented, this documentation is meant to supplement those comments.

The SConstruct basically does the following:


Each library needs to be enumerated and added to each build context, note some libraries are actually used multiple times in multiple envirnments. For instance the libs/c library is included in the rootserver_env, the tools_env and the app_env and will be built three times too. To create a library you will need to complete a number of steps:


Executables are setup in a similar way to libraries. However instead of living in the libs directory they live at the top level of the project.

You should note that the sos app is special, as this is your privileged server. It is linked with different libc code, and is inserted into your boot image differently. You should always ensure that sos is the first application after the l4kernel in the apps list passed to elfweaver_env.LayoutVirtual().


Most of the code you will write will be in the sos directory. Currently there is a very minimal operating system implemented, which should help get you started.

The implementation has been kept very simple, (you wouldn't want us to do all the fun bits would you!). The interesting thing here is the startup procedure, which should be fairly easy to follow in main.c. On startup the following happens:

  1. Initialise the L4 helper "library".
  2. Initialise frame table.
  3. Spawn a thread (init_thread) to finish initialisation.
  4. Start the syscall/interrupt/pager IPC loop.


You may be wondering why we spawn a separate thread to handle most of the initialisation. The main reason for this is so that we can keep things simple (no really!). In the init_thread you may wish to execute some code that waits for interrupts, or possibly waits to IPC to a user-level program. Now both interrupts and user-level code rely on the IPC loop being able to respond to IPC.

There are of course other ways you could structure your start-up protocol and operating system so that this is not required. For example, you may want to have a separate thread for each interrupt handler. Or you may wish to restrict init_thread so that it doesn't rely on user-level code or interrupts. You are free to explore these ideas in the design of you system.


Is a simple L4 environment library to make some of the calls to L4 simpler, L4 helper "library". At some stage you will need to modify it to re-implement the sos_usleep function on your clock driver.


The provided network.c handles setting up the network device drivers and initialising hardware for you. It exports the single network_init function, which you should ensure is called on startup. You will need to edit this file at some stage to enable the nfs part of networking.


So that you don't have to write everything from scratch, we provide you with some libraries to get you going.

A somewhat cut down libc, which includes string handling, malloc and assert.
A pseudo serial driver for the slug, actually uses UDP/IP.
A light-weight IP stack.
A simple NFS client.
A library for parsing ELF files.
The Intel IXP Operating System Access Layer(OSAL).
The Intel provided driver code for the IXP420 platform.

Last modified: Thu Jul 27 14:34:44 EST 2006