xtlearn tutorial for Unix at CSE

Here are instructions for accessing and for basic use of xtlearn from CSE Unix workstations.

  1. Log in on a pc.i86.linux machine (or start a remote shell on one):

    You may need to change directory to a location of your choice where you can create files (e.g. configuration, data and teach files for xtlearn.)

  2. Copy the tutorial files to your chosen directory, by doing the Unix command:

    cp /home/cs9444/public/assigns/xtlearntute/xor.* .

    Don't forget that trailing full stop!

  3. Run the command /home/cs9444/bin/xtlearn.
    This should bring up a rectangular xtlearn window.

  4. You should now have some more files in your current working directory. As well as the three files that you started with: xor.cf, xor.data and xor.teach, you will have xor.prj, which is binary and so not fun to read, and various xor.nnn.wts, where nnn is a number. These give the weights at various stages when they were saved for you by xtlearn. They are readable. Their format is described in the tlearn reference manual.

  5. What about the .err file that you will have to hand in with the simple recurrent nets assignment? Get back into xtlearn, open up xor as before, and then get into the Training options... dialog window. Check the "Log error every xxx sweeps" box, and type a number into the text (well, number) box. What number? How many numbers do you want? Maybe once every epoch is reasonable (but you may want to experiment - try once per sweep, once every 10 epochs, depending on how many epochs you train for). As there are 4 training patterns, once per epoch means logging error every 4 sweeps. Click OK, train the network, quit, and presto! you have an xor.err file. It's readable, and can easily get rather big ... Bear in mind that the assignment marker will not be amused if you hand in a megabyte of error log.

  6. Use of the Connection weights display slows xtlearn down massively. Use with caution.

Good luck!