ENGG1811 final exam page (20T1)

Thursday 7 May 2020 2pm - 4:35pm

On the day of the exam, staff will be available on Moodle Blackboard Collaborate between 1:30 - 4:35pm should you need to ask a question. The session name is "Final Exam". Please raise your hand if you need help. You may wish to open Moodle ready in another window or tab. 

If we have corrections to make, we will broadcast it on Moodle Blackboard Collaborate.

Summary of the UNSW Fit to sit rule: If you attend the exam, you cannot apply for special consideration afterwards. If you fall ill during the exam and cannot continue, you should: (1) inform the staff; (2) get a medical certificate; and (3) submit a special consideration.

Technical issues: If you are not able to submit by 4:35pm, e.g. due to connection issue, take a screen shot of the problem. When the connection resumes, email the screen shot and your submission to the lecturer at <c.t.chou@unsw.edu.au>.

Full version of the fit-to-sit rule and what do you when having technical issues during an online exam is here.

1:30pm Password protected exam pack available for download
2:00pm Password and submission links will be available on the final exam page.
2:05-4:15pm Exam time. The clock will countdown to 4:15pm, see below.
4:15-4:35pm Submission time (Grace period). The clock will be red in this time, see a sample picture here.

The password protected exam pack is here. The password is:


Submission links:

Q1 (will only accept file name x1.py)

Q2 (will only accept file name x2.py)

Q3 (will only accept file name x3.py)

Q4 (will only accept file name x4.py)

Q5 (will only accept file name x5.py)