iHMMune-align web-based access

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iHMMune-align Sequence Submission

Sequences can be submitted to iHMMune-align for partitioning in two ways. The first is by entering a sequence, or multiple sequences, into the text area on the iHMMune-align web-based access form. The second is by selecting a file from a local computer for upload for use with the iHMMune-align utility. Any sequences submitted by either means are removed from the server as soon as the iHMMune-align utility has finished processing.

The format for input sequences is the same for both input from the form or from a file. The seqeunces must be provided in standard FASTA format. A description of this format is provided here. It is important to ensure that the description line begins with the greater-than (>) symbol and that the sequence data begins on the line below. The sequence data can be split over many lines.

iHMMune-align will only function for nucleotide sequences and not protein sequences. Valid sequence characters are therefore A, T, G, C and N or X to describe unknown or uncertain nucleotides. When naming sequences iHMMune-align will only considered that portion of the description line up to the first 'space', so enough description must be provided in this portion of the description line.

iHMMune-align is only for use will human heavy chain immunoglobulin rearranged sequences. A sequence must contain at least a V-REGION and a J-REGION for partitioning to be performed accurately. The V-REGION and J-REGION cannot be excessively truncated or inaccuracies and errors may result.

For queries about iHMMune-align:
Andrew Collins
Katherine Jackson