Formnal Methods Group
School of Computer Science and Engineering, UNSW

Every engineering discipline needs mathematical foundations in order to have confidence in the behaviour of the artifacts that it produces. Logic and discrete mathematics provide that foundation for much of computer science.

Logic has a tradition going back at least to the ancient Greeks, but the field really exploded in relevance in the 20th century. Mathematical logicians like Godel and Turing laid down the fundamental theory about what computers can do, but also what they cannot do. Today, computer science is a key driver for research in logic: there are more logicians in computer science departments than in mathematics and philosophy departments

We are still not very good at engineering computational systems so that they have mathematical foundations that are as strong as in other engineering areas. There is an ongoing need to improve our capability in this area.

As the scope of application of computational systems broadens to encompass systems that operate in the real world (e.g., robots, cars) and in society (e-commerce, crypto-currency), or are built using multiple computers (the internet, multi-processor hardware, and distributed systems), there is a need for novel logical theory that builds in additional mathematical dimensions, such as probability theory, continuous mathematics, economic game theory, concurrency, security, and theories of information flow.

The Formal Methods Group works to develop these theoretical foundations for reasoning about computational systems, and for enabling computers themselves to perform such reasoning. The work results in logical theories and computational tools that enable the development of computational systems in a way that provides high degrees of assurance about their correctness, safety and security.


Adjunct/Conjoint Staff