An Iraqi Fable -- or Wishful Thinking

After Saddam (AS) 1 Week

The Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain and his cabinet were nowhere to found in Baghdad after the victorious U.S. and British Allied Armies were welcomed by cheering citizens grateful for the near 100% smartness of the missiles used to rout Saddam's forces. There were so few civilian casualties that the anit-war skeptics who were so vocal in their opposition to this cleansing act were all suddenly afflicted by a mysterious laryngitis. Said U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell (Gen, ret'd), "We owe this near miracle of modern warfare technology to spectacular advances in Artificial Intelligence that I can now reveal is the real reason why Prime Minister Howard of Australia was in on our act from the beginning. For years, U.S. scientists have labored long and hard to increase the smartness of our missiles to no avail. Along comes Mr Howard who offered us Australian technology so long under-rated by the rest of the world. While for security reasons I cannot reveal which of their scientists are responsible for this breakthrough, I am permitted to drop a few hints. Evidently it was developed by a team in a university which stumbled upon the key ideas in their work, in of all things, teaching doggie robots to play soccer. Such is serendipity. But the real beneficiaries are the people of Iraq, who have been rid of a cruel tyrant at almost no loss of civilian lives."

AS 3 Weeks

The Allied Forces establish its HQ in the presidential palace that was once the precincts of Saddam's family. In the basement they find grisly reminders of tortured victims. Several colonels of the elite Iraqi commando units are reported to be negotiating with leaders of the once persecuted Iraqi resistance to form an interim government under the auspices of the Allied Armies. The U.S. and E.U., including the now chastened French and German governments, announce a massive Marshall-Plan stle aid package for the rehabilitation of Iraq worth U.S. 5 billion in the first year. In addition, there is afoot intense U.S. pressure on Israel to begin serious discussion with its Palestinian neighbor on a peace plan to end with a de-militarized Palestinian state without any Israeli settlements on currently illegally occupied Palestinian territory. Prime Minister John Howard of Australia generously offers displaced Israeli settlers a permanent home in the Christmas Island, to be re-named anything they choose so as to not offend a people who are still awaiting the genuine messiah.

AS 4 Weeks

PM Sharon of Israel and President Arafat of the PLO both resign due to ill-health. The Guardian newspaper in England cynically suggested that what this means is that their respective parties have hinted that if they did not resign they will suffer ill-health. Udday Hussain, gangster son of the once feared Saddam, is found alive in Algiers learning a new trade as a bouncer in a brothel. The provisional government of Iraq under acting President Karim Ishaq, Colonel (ret'd), has announced to the astonishment of all skeptics that his government, with the strong advice of the Allied Forces, will honor all the oil contracts signed by the deposed Saddam regime. Ishaq said, "My colleagues and I had of course assumed that the American and British oil companies would want full access to our oil fields. But no, President Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld and Vice-President Cheney insisted that nothing was further from their minds!! They even hinted that all along they really wanted to export real democracy, but used their apparent oil connections as a facade to fool the dangerous capitalists who thought that they (Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney) were their instruments. Allah be praised!!" Jacques Chiraq resigns in shame; Chancellor Schroeder gives up the Chancellorship to his wife, apologizing to President Bush for his mistrust of the American people. PM Tony Blair is offered the succession to the British Throne by an adoring Queen, but declines in favor of his wife Cherie instead. PM Howard is made Prime Minister for Life by a chastened Australian electorate, many of whom had to be restrained from tossing their children into Sydney Harbor in atonement for their sin of having participated in anti-war marches just two months ago.

AS 2 Months

King Abdullah of Jordan announces Pan-Arabic talks to consider the formation of a Middle-Eastern Common Market patterned after the old European Common Market which eventually led to the present European Union. The Saudi government persuades the Wahabi sect (which hitherto determined the ultra-strict Islamic ethos in that country) to form an International Islamic Council comprising international Islamic scholars from as diverse origins as China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Britain with a view to broadening interpretation of scripture. Israel, under its new coalition PM, begins talks with the new PLO President; travel between Israel and Palestine are normalized. The Tokyo, London, Frankfurt and New York stockmarkets zoom upwards by an unbelievable 25% in the last two days, bring the total rise to an astonishing 50% since Saddam went into exile in Libya in the last days of the Allied invasion -- now known by grateful Iraqis as the Allied Liberation.

AS 6 Months

The Middle-Eastern Common Market is officially launched with George Soros as its honorary economic advisor. King Abdullah said, "Soros was invited because of his visionary ideas on how to control the abuses of the huge banks and hedge funds in currency speculation. Moreover, he understands that untrammeled capitalism is actually signing its own death warrant. That he is Jewish is immaterial, as the MECM has in fact invited Israel to be a full member." Tel Aviv erupts into a huge celebratory party; Jerusalem is stunned into sullen incredulity. Orthodox Jews and the Hamas are exposed by the newly emboldened Syrian Press to be in secret negotiations to sabotage the new economic order. It quotes a Jewish spokesman as saying, "Such evil as peace cannot be allowed to come to pass; it would be the end of the welfare payments we get for reading religious books as a vocation". His counterpart in the Hamas nodded in grave agreement, "We may be bitter enemies, Mordecai and I, but this fighting, killing and hatred is all that we have lived for." Syria and Israel jointly announce the neutering of their respective extremist fringes by exiling them to Uruguay and Paraguay respectively.

AS 12 Months

The Iraqi Armed Forces begin to demobilize. Israel announces a counter- demobilization. The Iraqis threaten to accelerate their demobilization. President Ishaq is quoted by the visiting Malaysian Minister of International Trade Rafidah Aziz as saying,"The Iraqi people will not be out-demobilized by anyone, least of all the Israelis!" The PM of Israel responds, "Colonel Ishaq is a paper tiger. Who does he think he is? This is too much! My cabinet will not take this lying down, and they authorized me to say that Israel will not only demobilize, but will announce shortly a time-table to disarm. In fact I have just given orders to destroy our nuclear weapon stockpile!" France and the U.S. counsel caution. The French paper Le Monde publishes leaked position papers from the manufacturers of the Mirage fighter-bombers aimed at pressuring the French government to halt the voluntary disarmament of Iraq by its provisional government. "Ishaq and his ex-Colonels are a menace to the French economy", it said in part. Two days later the Washington Post follows with even more devastating leaks from missile producer Hughes Aircraft and stealth bomber manufacturer Northrup Grumman. A chilling passage said, "It is imperative that the CIA must undermine President Ishaq's government in its bad example to the member countries of the MECM, for if they all disarm the damage that will be done to the U.S economy will be incalculable. We had all been banking on an escalation of tension in that region, but of all the people who would betray us, how could we imagine that the Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney Troika will be the ones? Who could have imagined that they were so smart as to pretend to be the stooges of our oil-company friends and ourselves - only to reveal their true colors as frightening social democrats! So, another task for the CIA is to also arrange for regime change right here in the U.S." Riots erupt in the suburbs that host U.S. arms manufacturers. These spread to New York, Detroit, San Francisco, and most major U.S cities. President Bush calls out the National Guard in all states to restore and maintain order.

AS 24 Months

The International Islamic Council, the Vatican and a committee of Senior Talmudic Scholars announce that intense but independent research by all three parties after the liberation of Iraq produced incontrovertible evidence that Allah, God and J*V*H are in fact One and the Same Father. When asked about this, Iraqi President Ishaq said quietly, "This is good. But Iraq is now a modern secular state in which all religions can be freely practised. In fact, my own son-in-law is a Hare Krishna." Osama bin Laden's colleagues release a video of him committing Hara Kiri in a martyr's protest against Islam's leaders consorting with the Infidels. Not to be outdone, Israeli Shas MPs begin a protest fast unto death, but were force-fed by the Mossad. Southern Baptists in the U.S. convert en masse in disgust to Hinduism, the Rev Jerry Falwell saying on Evangelical TV, "If our One True God is in fact Jewish and Mohammedan too, then what the fuck, we are taking insurance against such disappointments in the future by adopting a faith that has 330 million gods. That should cover all bases." 60 million Baptist (now Hindu!) Americans watching that segment faint, not because of the conversion, but because the censor had forgotten to *beep* out the "f-word" which they never thought the Rev Falwell could even pronounce.

AS 26 Months

The provisional Iraqi government announces a date for democratic elections to the new parliament, using the best model of representative election in the world - the Australian preferential method. It invites Nelson Mandela to be its first constitutional Monarch. Mandela declines because he had already accepted the Vatican's invitation to be its first Living Saint, a brilliant marketing idea to bring excitement and relevance to the Catholic Church.

AS 30 Months

Karim Ishaq is elected President of Iraq in the first Arab democratic election under compulsory and secret ballot. Australian observers donated by PM for Life John Howard declare the election free and fair. The Iraqi Social Democratic Party under Ishaq win 65% of the vote and is swept into office. Ishaq appoints a repatriated Kurdish Iraqi, Professor Bagwan Koreshi, as his Foreign Minister. Koreshi was professor emeritus of philosophical linguistics in London and Paris. The Baath Party, which once had a stranglehold in Iraq and Syria, was virtually wiped out, with over 90% of its candidates losing their deposits. The major opposition party with 1/3 of the seats in the new parliament is led by a ophthalmologist who is a widowed mother of three. Her late husband, a Berkeley- trained physicist who refused to work on nuclear weapons, was one of Saddam Hussain's earliest torture victims.

AS 36 Months

Shock, Horror, Mayhem! President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld go missing. One week later they turn up in a sleazy tavern in New Orleans, drunk, disheveled and disoriented. Secret Service reports are suppressed. The next week a press conference is called by National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. When she appeared, she was visibly shaken. Dr Rice began, "My fellow Americans, what I am going to say to you will shock you, as indeed it shocked me. When the Secret Service found President Bush, VP Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld in New Orleans, its initial reaction was that they were the kidnap victims of a nefarious and vindictive Al Qaeda remnant cell. The President and his colleagues had brought such peace and stability to the world, and gave the lie to those that thought Americans were hypocrites, liars, murderers, etc. This took the wind out of the Al Qaeda, and indeed that of all extremist groups anywhere. So it was natural to assume that this was a revenge kidnap. My fellow Americans - if only that were true!! It is my sad duty to now tell you what appears to be almost unbelievable, but it is unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately - the bizarre truth. When the Secret Service began debriefing President Bush and his two friends, it discovered to its horror that these three men had no recollection of what happened in the past three years!! There was a BLANK in their memories for that period!! Desperate to find out what happened, our top psychiatrists were consulted, and they suggested hypnosis. Now, please brace yourselves. And excuse me while I take a swig of my whisky here. Well, to cut a long story short, all the rumors you have heard over the years about the Rothwell incidents are true. There ARE flying saucers, and they have been abducting people. My fellow Americans, with the information obtained under hypnosis we are now reasonably confident that the Aliens - wherever they come from - abducted President Bush, VP Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld just before the decision to invade Iraq was taken. Then - here is the awful part - they PROGRAMMED the three of them to behave in the uncharacteristic way we have seen in the past 36 months. After these Aliens achieved what they wanted, they erased the programs and released the three. Why the sleazy New Orleans tavern, you might ask? Our psychiatrists conjecture that after the second abduction for the de-programming, the three asked for a drink and were dropped into the place which the Aliens thought would be most congenial for their personalities." The Press Conference broke up in chaos. The U.S. faces an unprecedented Constitutional crisis as the Supreme Court could not pronounce off-hand the legality of a government indirectly ruled by Aliens through a puppet President. President Chavez and Chairman Castro offered assistance and advice to their beloved northen neighbor, saying, "We Latin Americans have a lot of experience being ruled by puppet presidents controlled by a superior power".


Australian PM for Life Howard also disappeared. But sadly, he did not re- appear. A few days later the skies of Sydney rained hundreds of thousands of toy lap dogs with Howard's face and a strange message inscribed on their bums - "The Star Gate Opened, and the Star Gate Closed". The Australian electorate, frightened and confused by the new world order, vote the Greens to government since neither the Liberals nor Labor appear to have any ideas on how to cope with the new world order. Prime Minister Bob Brown, Deputy PM Kerry Nettle, Foreign Minister Lee Rhiannon and Treasurer Ian Cohen visit Indonesia to repair the diplomatic damage done by the Howard regime over the past 6 years. Australia signs the Kyoto Accord and repeals the draconian anti-refugee laws. Ex-Foreign Minister Downer becomes the principal of a suburban kindergarten and passes his time happily playing with teddy bears. Other Liberal and Labor politicians: Tony Abbott became a Russian Orthodox monk, saying "My hero is Rasputin, so this is how I will begin to emulate his career path". Peter Reith was last sighted doing a dog-training deal over coffee in Rio with the deposed Kim Jong Il. Ex-Liberal advisor and head-kicker Michael Kroger joined ex-Labor front bencher Mark Latham to set up a Public Relations firm specializing in etiquette.