School of Computer Science and Engineering

CSE Education Committee

The CSE Education Committee (EdC) is a renaming of the CSE Teaching Committee.


The Education Committee is responsible for advising the Head of School on academic proposals, resourcing, and all other matters to do with CSE's educational programs. Its aim is to provide oversight and review of program structures, course offerings, course/stream/program proposals. It also reviews processes associated with the School's educational offerings, and makes recommendations on how they might be improved.


While all members of academic staff are invited to attend EdC meetings, since 2008 the Committee has had a set of members who are expected to be present at all meetings. The aim of having a stable membership is to facilitate a more consistent focus on the school's academic programs as a whole, their strategic directions and their resourcing.




Presiding Member

Nominated by the Head of School from the academic members. This would normally be the Deputy Head of School (Education), but any academic nominating for the committee must be prepared to act as Presiding Member.


Any seven of the members.

Other Participants

All other academics, both regular and visiting, and StuReps are invited to attend and participate in the discussions.

A representative of the Student Office will attend; other Student Office staff may be invited as required.

Meeting Frequency

The committee will meet at least 6 times per year, with meeting dates set before the start of each semester. Other meetings can be called by the Presiding Member, with at least one week's notice.


An attendance roll will be kept. The position of any elected or ex-officio member who misses more than three meetings a year without the approval of the Head of School, will automatically become vacant. The Head of School will nominate a new member for the remainder of that member's term. In the case of the student member, the stureps will nominate a new representative.


Voting will be by simple majority of the members and requiring at least six votes either for or against a proposal for it to be accepted or rejected. The votes of all those participating in the meeting will also be counted and discrepancy between the members and the non-members participating in the meeting will be recorded.

The purpose of this voting structure is to ensure a that consistent group of people considers all proposals, rather than proposals being voted on by those attending because of a particular interest in a topic. However, it is important that the Head of School be advised if there is disagreement over a proposal between the committee membership and others more directly interested in the proposal.

Agenda Papers

All academic proposals must be entered into UNSW's AIMS ECLIPS system. Complete versions of proposals must be available at least one week before a meeting. The AIMS proposal should contain values for all fields in the AIMS ECLIPS form for the relevant proposal type.

For Course proposals, this would include:

For Program and Stream (Specialisation) proposals, this would include:

Minutes of the previous meeting will be provided with the agenda papers, which will briefly record comments on the dot points above, along with summaries of discussions that took place at the meeting.