The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Committee (CSE Teaching Committee 00/5)
will be held at 2:00pm on Friday, 08 September 2000, in Room 103 (HoS Meeting Room), Computer Science Building.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to Bill Wilson, extension +61293856494,

Bill Wilson
Committee Chair


    1. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting:

    2. COMP9022 in second sessions. We are currently feeling the displeasure of PG students who have been forced to enrol in COMP2021 in second session because COMP9022 is currently only run in first session. Should we reconsider on this? Should all/popular/core PG courses have repeat lectures so that they are available day and evening? Particularly UG/PG pairs like COMP3231/9201, COMP3131/9102, COMP3111/9008, COMP3121/9101 (using second session examples)? John Shepherd will introduce the discussion.

    3. Weighted average formula for use in determining grade of honours in SE and CE. The current formula is complex - particularly for double degree students, and especially BE/MBiomedE - can we simplify it?

    4. BE(Computer Eng)/MCom proposal - details are here.

    5. Future of COMP1091: This course was taught for the first time in first session this year. Should it be taught in both sessions next year? What is it's future and how does it fit in with other courses that we offer?

    6. What courses will be offered in which sessions in 2001. (So far, the TC has decided on COMP1021 and COMP3421/9415 in 01x1.) This year's courses are shown at: 2000 session 1 allocation and 2000 session 2 allocation.

      Proposed draft for 2001.

      A related issue is teaching allocation for 2001, particularly for first and second year courses. Andrew Taylor's notes.

      LIC Session 1LIC Session 2LIC Summer
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered
      not offered

    7. The Database Cluster has produced a proposal for course revision and some proposed constraints on teaching allocation. See DB Proposal Details.

    8. ELEC have, in JAS's words "bitten the bullet on 4th year Thesis vs Project and introduced a new Project subject for students with low averages (specifically, less than 65%)." This is somewhat consistent with the practice in the Advanced Science program and of course in Computer Science of only letting students with 65+ averages do honours. Do we want to review our policy on this?

    9. Quality assurance measures for teaching. Should we be having an extra person (perhaps a program coordinator or director of first year studies) acting in a specific quality assurance role for each course we offer?

    10. In connection with the discussion on same-gender tuts in COMP 1A, Sowmya raises two issues for discussion by the TC:
      • "Directions regarding policy making versus implementation in various matters. In the tutorials case, it was not clear who had sanctioned the policy of same-gender tuts. The implementation and policy making seemed to have been conflated. We need to clarify this.
      • "Indirectly, this raises the issue of what is legitimate use of student (and other) data that is given to us by the university. We have always had access to students' personal details, including gender, but not used it in our teaching/research before this, by my knowledge. Some data collected by the university may be considered `for statistical purposes' only. Is that so in this case or not? If the personal data could be put to other uses, then should we not state that upfront at first year enrolment time?"

    School of Computer Science & Engineering
    The University of New South Wales
    Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
    Phone:  +61 2 9385 6876
    Fax:    +61 2 9385 4071