Agenda for Teaching Committee Meeting 12 March 1999

  1. Course revision to meet the new University requirements. All U/G courses are to be revised - i.e.

    Current guidelines for single structured (e.g. Eng.) degrees require that:

    1. there be 60cp per session (but cp will be changed to "units of credit" with 24 uc = 60 cp. This requires some work in both SE and CE. Minor in CE.
    2. there be at least 15% of material from outside the Faculty of Engineering (or outside the School, but we won't have any difficulty about meeting the first version of the requirement - consider the Maths and in some cases Physics, ElecEng and INFS requirements.
    3. That there be some "genuine choice" in the course. This can be met by the professional electives in CE and SE.
  2. There is also the teaching allocation for 99s2 to consider.

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
Phone:  +61 2 9385 3986
Fax:    +61 2 9385 5995