Minutes of Teaching Committee Meeting of 99-03-12

Present: Bill Wilson (chair), Arun Sharma, John Shepherd, Arcot Sowmya, Piyush Maheshwari, Geoff Whale, Tim Lambert
In attendance: Steve Matheson, Gernot Heiser, Hossam ElGindy
  1. Agenda formation:
    The following items were identified as needing consideration:
  2. Course revision:
    The meeting considered the current drafts of the revisions for CE and SE, and heard a report from John Shepherd on the status of CS revision.

    The following recommendations were made:

  3. Teaching allocation:
    A number of suggestions and corrections were made to the rough draft circulated at the meeting. A further (closed) meeting of the Teaching Committee on 99-03-19 will continue to consider the 99s2 allocation.

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The University of New South Wales
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