Minutes of Teaching Committee Meeting on 4 June 1999

Present/In attendance: John Potter, lambert, jesse, claude, ashesh, andrewt, jas, jxue, billw (chair), piyush, rita, sowmya, compton, elgindyh, ramer

  1. Should COMP4001 Object-oriented System Development (possibly modified) become a COMP2 or COMP3 subject?

    A subcommittee was formed to examine the implications of this proposal. The ramifications have the potential to affect all first and most second year subjects, and indirectly later year subjects. The subcommittee's terms of reference will thus includes the first and second year syllabus. Time frame: subcommittee goal is to report back in two months, but with progress reports to Teaching Committee Meetings in the meantime.
    Committee members: John Potter (chair), Ashesh Mahidadia, Ian Gorton (if available), Tim Lambert, John Shepherd, Claude Sammut, Richard Buckland, Andrew Taylor. Paramesh and Ken Robinson are to be invited to participate.

  2. Progress report from working party on COMP1091 Introduction to Programming with C (Tim Lambert, Arun Sharma, John Shepherd).

    The Teaching Committee approved in principle the draft proposal. A full proposal will be considered at the next TC meeting.

  3. New subject proposal: Multimedia Authoring and Cooperative Agents
    Referred back for further information about content.

  4. New subject proposal: COMP4011 Introduction to Modal Logic
    Proposer: Norman Foo
    Approved as a subject available to research students and a limited number of honours-level students. To be taught outside of load.

  5. New subject proposal: COMP3120 Fundamentals of Algorithms (3 units of credit). This subject is needed to complete the definition of the revised BE(CE) course.
    Proposers: Hossam ElGindy and Jingling Xue
    Approved subject to minor amendments. It is desirable that this subject should be taught as the first 7 weeks of COMP3121 (from 2000s2).

  6. New subject proposal: COMP4912 Thesis Part C (3 units of credit). This needs to be specified, in conjunction with a change in Units of credit for COMP4910 Thesis Part A from 6 to 3.
    Proposer: Arcot Sowmya