Forwarded Message from Angela via Rupert ...
> Hi Ken,
> I am aware of a teaching committee meeting that will be held tomorrow and
> would like to propose a new course relating to .NET technologies. I find
> that most development and analyst jobs in the current market require
> applicants to be knowledgeable in the area of .NET development. In
> particular I am currently in my penultimate year and have been applying
> for several positions in summer internship programs, as well as general
> roles in the industry. During interviews with various companies I have
> noticed that .NET technologies play a dominant role in development.
> In addition, several universities are currently running .NET-related
> courses. From preliminary research I have found the following courses at
> other universities:
> Sydney University
> -----------------------------------
> EBUS4001 e-Business Engineering
> University of Technology
> -----------------------------------
> 31100 Enterprise Development with the .NET Framework
> 31927 Application Development with Visual Basic .NET
> University of Queensland
> -----------------------------------
> INFS3204/7204 Service-Oriented Architecture
> I believe that by implementing a .NET course CSE students will be more
> prepared to take on the job market after they graduate and I have met many
> students who would be interested in this course.
> I have started a thread on CSE forums to allow other students to voice
> their opinions on this topic.