CSE Teaching Committee, Minutes of Meeting, Friday 3 July 2009

The meeting commenced at 2 PM.

Present: Arcot Sowmya (chair), Paul Compton, Ken Robinson, Richard Buckland, Wayne Wobcke, Malcolm Ryan, Sri Parameswaran, Oliver Diessel, John Shepherd, Bruno Gaeta, Peter Ho, N. Parameswaran

Apologies: Bill Wilson, Alan Blair, Eric Martin, Jingling Xue

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 May were held over for approval, pending feedback.

  2. Actions following from Minutes

    The two program revisions (CS Co-op and CE) were submitted for approval by Faculty UGEC. CS Co-op revision was approved. On the CE revision, we were asked to send it to other faculties that had joint programs with CE, as well as await input from Biomed Eng, who have a joint program with CE. Biomed has since responded, asking for course authority on the document to be updated to reflect the one on record. The document has also been forwarded to Presiding Members of Law, Science, Arts, ASB as well as HoS, Biomed Eng, for approval. The current status is: ASB to consider at its Standing Committee meeting of July 30th, Science has no objections, Biomed approves with change to program authority, Law has pointed out some errors in the listing of Law courses, and will consider a revised document at its 12th Aug meeting. SP has been requested to provide an updated proposal in time to meet the deadlines.

    A WG to consider stability of early year courses has been set up and has had a number of meetings, coordinated by RB.

    RB circulated a document summarising the discussions on syllabus stability and a core course syllabus which is still work in progress. RB spoke to these documents and agreed content for COMP 1917, 1927 and 2911. After some discussion it was agreed that the following should be developed:

    1. recommended text book for each course

    2. detailed syllabus for each course

    3. similar descriptions for COMP 1911 and 1921

  3. Deferred Items

    The following items were deferred to the next meeting:

    1. New/revised courses- effects on elective lists

    2. 2010 course and program initiatives (deferred from previous meetings)
      1. General Strategies
      2. Specific Priorities for 2010 and beyond
    3. New course proposal Information Retrieval and Web Search

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA

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