
UNSW has a statutory responsibility to ensure that students with disabilities are able to participate in their courses on equal terms with other students. Academic staff can assist the participation of students with disabilities by offering, at their first lecture, to speak privately with any students with disabilities who may require assistance. Academic staff can also contact the Equity Officer (Disability) for advice on the requirements of students with disabilities.

However, academic staff may not always be aware of students with disabilities in their courses, as some students choose not to identify. The more inclusive the design of courses and teaching methods, the more likely the course will suit a diverse range of students, including those with disabilities. These guidelines are intended to assist academic staff to design courses that take into account the needs of students with disabilities. The following UNSW Code of Practice, shortly to be updated, can provide helpful advice. http://www.equity.unsw.edu.au/codeofpr.html

Administrative Matters/Course Handouts

Course Outlines/Course Material

Further useful information about web accessibility issues can be found at the following sites http://www.anu.edu.au/disabilities/tech.html

http://www.newcastle.edu.au/oldsite/services/iesd/webteam/access/ and


Textbooks/Recommended Materials

Whilst advances in technology have greatly assisted students with disabilities to access education, there are still some major technical obstacles in relation to print material, particularly for students who are blind or vision impaired and students with learning disabilities. Academic staff can help considerably by observing the following guidelines in choosing textbooks and other recommended course material.

Further information about the difficulties experienced by print handicapped students is provided below under 'Resources Material for Academic Staff'. The material comes from a forum held by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, which examined the issues creating barriers to education for the above group of students.

Assessment in the Course

Assessment/Examinations/Class Tests

Assessments/Attendance Requirements

A useful guide to alternative assessments can be found at http://www.anu.edu.au/disabilities/altass.html

Useful Strategies When Lecturing

Academic staff can assist students with disabilities during lectures by observing some simple guidelines.

Further information and strategies for working with students with disabilities can be found in Inclusive Practices: A Guide for Academics Working with Students with Disabilities. Inclusive Practices is available on the following website http://central.dot.net.au/~ssands/coop/graphics/contents.htm The site also contains other publications relating to students with disabilities.

Resource Material to Assist Academic Staff Teaching Students with Disabilities

Useful reference material on disability issues has been hyper-linked throughout the Course Outline Guidelines. The Equity Officer (Disability) also has other resource material covering a wide range of disabilities, including Managing Oral Examinations; Marking Assignments Presented on Tape and Access to Scientific Laboratories, which can be made available to academic staff. A useful website for disability resource material is http://www.anu.edu.au/disabilities/#booklets

A recent Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Forum looked at the experiences of tertiary students with visual impairment and print handicap and their access to university materials. The following papers may provide useful information.




Two other web sites of interest, are the National Clearing House on Education for Students with disabilities located at http://www.deakin.edu.au/tedca/ncet/ and the Students with Disabilities: Code of Practice for Tertiary Institutions at http://www.qut.edu.au/pubs/disabilities/national_code/code.html

The Equity Officer (Disability) can be contacted at the Equity & Diversity Unit, on 9385 4734 or by email L.Alsop@unsw.edu.au

The Equity & Diversity Unit website is at http://www.equity.unsw.edu.au/


Prepared by Equity and Diversity Unit: July 2002