Toby Walsh
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales


Global Constraints:
The 2nd International Summer School of the Association for Constraint Programming, consiting of an Advanced School and International Workshop that I am co-chairing June 2006.

Optimization Day:
The 1st Workshop of the NICTA Technical Focus Group on Optimization, May 30th 2006 (just before TechFest).

Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints:
An IJCAI-2005 workshop that I co-chaired July 2005.

SAT 2005:
Eighth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing that I co-chaired June 2005.

Constraint Programming for Planning and Scheduling:
An ICAP-2005 workshop that I co-chaired June 2005.

IJCAR 2004:
The International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning that I chaired in July 2004.

IJCAI 2003:
I chaired the poster section of the International Joint Conference on AI in August 2003.

Challenges and Novel Applications in Automated Reasoning:
A CADE-19 workshop that I am co-chaired July 2003.

Probabilistic Approaches in Search:
An AAAI-2002 workshop that I co-chaired July 2002.

Modelling and Solving Problems with Constraints:
An ECAI-2002 workshop that I chaired July 2002.

ERCIM 2002:
I was one of the organizers of the Joint Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints and the CologNet area on Constraint and Logic Programming in June 2002.

The 2nd International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulae that I co-chaired May 2002.

9th ARW:
The 9th Workshop on Automated Reasoning that I chaired April 2002.

CP 2001:
I chaired the Constraint Programming conference in 2001. (Poster, poster artist, accepted papers)

AAAI 2001 Fall Symposium:
A meeting on "Using Uncertainty within Computation" that I organized in 2001. (Poster, Plenary talk)

SARA 2000:
The Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation that I co-chaired with Berthe Choueiry in 2000.

The inaugural meeting of the UK Constraints Network of Excellence that I organized in 1999.

Empirical Methods:
A series of workshop held alongside IJCAI and ECAI that I organized.

The 1999 Clam-Inka-And-Omrs (CIAO-99) workshop that I ran.
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