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Ile d'Aix Museum africain Dodo
Multiple stuffing - stuffed in so many ways!

VirtualExam (vx)
2019 upgrade - stuffexam enhancements

  1. There is now a script /home/virtualexam/bin/stuffexamall which when executed from an exam account will attempt to run priv stuffexam on all current candidate/student sessions for that exam. It takes three parameters: number of stuffings to run in parallel, the name of the exam account (this is a bit redundant, but there ya go), and the vxconf file to apply.

    The script uses ssh to connect to each exam host, one candidate per ssh connection. The specified vxconf file must be available on each host and thus putting it in /tmp would appear unwise.

    The script demultiplexes the stdout and stderr of each priv stuffexam run and outputs its progress to the terminal from which it is run.

  2. priv stuffexam has been changed so that it will accept user ID's other than those which look like a zID (i.e., /^z[0-9]{7}$/ has been changed to /^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/)