
Attracting seabirds with chum etc

To: "'Wendy'" <>, "'Birding-aus'" <>
Subject: Attracting seabirds with chum etc
From: "Tony Russell" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:32:20 +1030
Wendy, you left out the fish oil that gets poured over the side during
pelagic trips. Apparently seabirds can smell this from kilometres away
and follow it along the boat's wash right back to the boat. It also
induces mal de mer in the passengers.
And no, they don't use cans of Chum, that would only attract seadogs
which are much too old and hairy and not on the twitchers'  lists.


-----Original Message-----
 On Behalf Of Wendy
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 10:11 AM
To: Birding-aus
Subject: Attracting seabirds with chum etc 

Hi All,
I have been reading with interest this, and the related threads on
attracting birds with calls, whistles, and recordings. When I first
joined this chatgroup I was always astonished by the Pelagic reports
wondering what amazing natural feature occurred on these routes that
caused such large accumulations of birds to be observed. Then, during a
discussion on whether, food should be offered to attract wild birds for
viewing the cat was let out of the bag, or is that dog food out of the
can .......berley was used to attract these birds. That made the huge
numbers more understandable.

Now this latest discussion has me further confused. My understanding of
'berleying' involved cut/mashed up fresh fish tossed over board to
attract game fish - so I assumed sort of the same thing for Pelagics.
NOW there is talk about Chumming - is this using canned dog food? and
the use of shark liver. COULD one of the Pelagic people please explain,
for me and other non- (never - unless your birds also like vomit! and I
can't take pills due to other medication I am on!) pelagic people what
and how bait is used to lure these sea birds for observation.

AND a comment. Much in the way nature photographers will include details
of the film, lens , hide etc they used to get a shot, should not these
Pelagic reports include the type and volume of bait  used to obtain the
observations, for accurate and full reporting?

With thanks in anticipation,

PS Do any land-lubber birders turn up to dry areas with a water tanker
and create an enticing wetland or a load of seed, fruit, meat whatever
in a similar way?

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