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Major Project Submission procedures


How to Submit:

  1. CHECK all the files before you submit them. Each year many students make last minute changes just before submitting and don't check them, and their programs don't work.
    Checklist There is an automatic 1 mark penalty if your code has to be hand fixed to get it to load or to run, or if you submit the wrong file etc.
  2. You must submit the following:
    1. Your revised Network module: Network.hs (both team members to submit identical Network files)
    2. Your ADT module Location.hs or Strategy.hs;
    3. Any other haskell modules you have written (but none called "FatController" or with names containing the characters 'x' or 'X' - since we use such modules ourselves in our marking code)
    4. Your diary, as the file Diary.txt.

Revision History

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