[The University of New South Wales]

Triple M rocks Higher Comp 1A
2004 Session 1

School of Computer Science and Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney Australia

Tutorial & Lab Locations

Below are the allocations for everyone in COMP1711. Please check you are enrolled in the correct tute-lab. Each "tute-lab" is a 1-hour tute in a room somewhere on campus, immediately followed by a 1 1/2 hour lab in one of CSE's computer labs. Note also that these tutes do not start until Week 2.

How to "decode" your tute: the first part is the day and time your tute-lab starts. EG. "thu17" means Thursday, 17:00 hours (5:00pm). Your tutorial starts at this time. Your lab starts one hour later, and is in the lab given in the second half of the code. EG. "harp" means your lab is in the lab called "harp". To work out where on campus your lab is, check out this page of the Unix Primer or CSE Lab Maps

If this is
your tute-lab...
...then this is your
tutorial room...
...and this is
your tutor.
tue15-harp OMB 116 Natalia Skorzewska
tue15-tuba OMB 117* Andrew Adams
tue17-bell K17 B01 Ricky Friedlander
wed14-leaf ElecEng218 Nicholas Tobias
wed14-moog** OMB 116 Andrew Adams
wed15-flute Quad G040 Sean Seefried
wed17-bell ElecEng221 Bronwyn Lee
thu16-leaf ElecEng219 Ricky Friedlander

* OMB 117 (not anymore OMB 145A)

** wed14-moog is an advanced class. Pick it if you want to go faster.

1711 Homepage last modified 22 March 2004 | maintained by richard buckland