Week 8 Laboratory — Sample Solutions

  1. llinserth.c

    // llinserth.c: use the insertTail and insertHead functions to build
    //              a linked list containing strings
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #define QUIT "."
    typedef struct node { 
       char *data; 
       struct node *next;
    } NodeT;
    NodeT *insertTail(NodeT *, char *);
    NodeT *insertHead(NodeT *, char *);
    NodeT *makeNode (char *);
    void   printList(NodeT *);
    void   freeList(NodeT *);
    int main(void) {
       NodeT *all = NULL;
       char data[BUFSIZ];
       printf("Enter a string: ");
       while (scanf("%s", data) == 1 && strcmp(data, QUIT) != 0) {
          if (isupper(*data) || islower(*data)) {
             all = insertHead(all, data);
          } else {
             all = insertTail(all, data);
          printf("Enter a string: ");
       if (all) {
          printf("Finished: list is ");
          all = insertTail(all, QUIT);
       } else {
       return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    NodeT *makeNode (char *s) {
       // create new node with data
       NodeT *new = (NodeT *)malloc(sizeof(NodeT));
       assert (new != NULL);
       int lengths = strlen(s); // need to find length of string for malloc
       new->data = (char *)malloc((lengths+1)*sizeof(char)); // +1 for the '\0'
       assert (new->data != NULL);
       strcpy(new->data, s); // copy includes '\0'
       new->next = NULL;     // set the next pointer to NULL for now
       return new;
    NodeT *insertHead(NodeT *head, char *s) {
       // create new node with data
       NodeT *new = makeNode(s);
       new->next = head;
       return new;
    NodeT *insertTail(NodeT *head, char *s) {
       // create new node with data
       NodeT *new = makeNode(s);
       new->next = NULL;
       if (head != NULL) {            // check if at least 1 node
          NodeT *cur;
          cur = head;                 // start at the head
          while (cur->next != NULL) { // this must be defined
             cur = cur->next;
          cur->next = new;            // cur->next was NULL
       } else {
          head = new;
       return head;
    void printList(NodeT *head) {
    // changed from llbuild.c to print %s instead of %d
       NodeT *cur;
       cur = head;
       while (cur != NULL) {
          printf("%s", cur->data);
          cur = cur->next;
          if (cur != NULL) {
       if (head != NULL) {
    void freeList(NodeT *head) {
    // changed from llbuild.c to free dynamic string too
       NodeT *cur;
       cur = head;
       while (cur != NULL) {
          NodeT *tmp = cur->next; // remember next node before freeing this node
          free(tmp->data);        // first, free string ...
          free(tmp);              // ... then free struct
          cur = tmp;

  2. rotate.c

    // rotate.c: rotate a string of characters on the command-line
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    typedef enum {left, right, undefined} Direction;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
       char *string; // will point to the char string to be rotated
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       // process the command-line arguments
       Direction dir = undefined; // 'undef' is print a usage message
       if (argc == 2) {     // there is no command-line option
          string = argv[1]; // argv[1] is the string
          dir = right;      // right rotate is default
       if (argc == 3) {     // there is a command-line option
          if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-l")) { // it must be this ...
             string = argv[2];
             dir = left;
          } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-r")) { // ... or this
             string = argv[2];
             dir = right;
       // the program body starts here
       if (dir == right) {
          char *plastchar = string + strlen(string) - 1; // ptr to last char
          char lastchar = *plastchar;          // remember last char
          *plastchar = '\0';                   // overwrite last char by nul
          printf("%c%s\n", lastchar, string);  // print last char and then the rest
       } else if (dir == left) {
          char *psecchar = string + 1;         // pointer to second char
          printf("%s%c\n", psecchar, *string); // print first char at back of string
       } else {
           fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-r|-l] string\n", argv[0]);
           retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
       return retval;

  3. llrotate1.c

    // llrotate1.c: rotate a string of characters on the command-line
    // using a reLinking of a linked list.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define SWITCHLEFT "-l"
    #define SWITCHRIGHT "-r"
    typedef struct _node {
       char data;
       struct _node *next;
    } NodeT;
    typedef enum {left, right, undefined} Direction;
    NodeT *rightRotateList(NodeT *);
    NodeT *leftRotateList(NodeT *);
    NodeT *buildList(char *);
    void printList(NodeT *);
    void freeList(NodeT *);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
       NodeT *head;
       char *string; // will point to the char string to be rotated
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       Direction dir = undefined; // default is print a usage message
       if (argc == 2) {     // there is no command-line option
          string = argv[1]; // argv[1] is the string
          dir = right;      // right rotate is default
       if (argc == 3) {     // there is a command-line option
          if (strcmp(argv[1], SWITCHLEFT) == 0) { // it must be this ...
             string = argv[2];
             dir = left;
          } else if (strcmp(argv[1], SWITCHRIGHT) == 0) { // ... or this
             string = argv[2];
             dir = right;
       if (dir == left || dir == right) {
          head = buildList(string);
          if (dir == right) {
             head = rightRotateList(head);
          } else {
             head = leftRotateList(head);
       } else {
           fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-r|-l] string\n", argv[0]);
           retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
       return retval;
    NodeT *rightRotateList(NodeT *head) {
        0->1->2->3  4
        ^           |
        |           |
       NodeT *penu;                          // penultimate node
       NodeT *last;                          // last node
       last = head;
       if ((head != NULL &&                  // cannot rotate NULL node
            head->next != NULL)) {           // cannot rotate a single node
          penu = head;                       // start at the head ...
          while (penu->next->next != NULL) { // ... find penultimate node
             penu = penu->next;
          last = penu->next;                 // identify last node
          penu->next = NULL;                 // penu is new end of list
          last->next = head;                 // last points to head node
       return last;                          // return last node as new head
    NodeT *leftRotateList(NodeT *head) {
          second   last
          |        |
          V        V
       0  1->2->3->4
       ^           |
       |           |
       NodeT *second;                        // second node
       NodeT *last;                          // last node
       if ((head != NULL &&                  // cannot rotate NULL node
            head->next != NULL)) {           // cannot rotate a single node
          last = head;                       // start at the head node ...
          while (last->next != NULL) {       // ... find last node
             last = last->next;
          last->next = head;                 // last points back to head
          second = head->next;               // this is the second node
          head->next = NULL;                 // head node is new last node
       return second;                        // return second node as new head
    NodeT *buildList(char *string) {
       NodeT *head = NULL;
       NodeT *prev = NULL;
       char *p;
       for (p = string; *p != '\0'; p++) {
          NodeT *n = (NodeT *)malloc(sizeof(NodeT));
          assert(n != NULL);
          n->data = *p;
          n->next = NULL;
          if (p == string) {     // if first iteration ...
             head = n;          // ... it is the head
          } else {
             prev->next = n; // back-patch the prev node
          prev = n;          // this node becomes prev
       return head;
    void printList(NodeT *headn) {
       NodeT *n;
       for (n = headn; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
          if (n != headn) {
          printf("%c", n->data);

  4. llrotate2.c

    // llrotate2.c: rotate a string of characters on the command-line
    // using data copies
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #define SWITCHLEFT "-l"
    #define SWITCHRIGHT "-r"
    typedef struct _node {
       char data;
       struct _node *next;
    } NodeT;
    typedef enum {left, right, undefined} Direction;
    void rightRotateList(NodeT *);
    void leftRotateList(NodeT *);
    NodeT *buildList(char *);
    void printList(NodeT *);
    void freeList(NodeT *);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
       NodeT *head;
       char *string; // will point to the char string to be rotated
       int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
       Direction dir = undefined; // default is print a usage message
       if (argc == 2) {     // there is no command-line option
          string = argv[1]; // argv[1] is the string
          dir = right;      // right rotate is default
       if (argc == 3) {     // there is a command-line option
          if (strcmp(argv[1], SWITCHLEFT) == 0) { // it must be this ...
             string = argv[2];
             dir = left;
          } else if (strcmp(argv[1], SWITCHRIGHT) == 0) { // ... or this
             string = argv[2];
             dir = right;
       if (dir == left || dir == right) {
          head = buildList(string);
          if (dir == right) {
             rightRotateList(head);  // notice no head can be returned
          } else {
             leftRotateList(head);  // notice no head can be returned
       } else {
           fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-r|-l] string\n", argv[0]);
           retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
       return retval;
    void rightRotateList(NodeT *head) {
       NodeT *step;
       if ((head != NULL &&                  // cannot rotate NULL node
            head->next != NULL)) {           // cannot rotate a single node
          int prevdata = head->data;
          for (step=head->next; step != NULL; step=step->next) { // traverse
             int tmp = step->data;           // store current data
             step->data = prevdata;          // copy prev data to the RIGHT
             prevdata = tmp;                 // remember current data
          head->data = prevdata; // copy prevdata==last_node's_data to head
    void leftRotateList(NodeT *head) {
       NodeT *step;
       if ((head != NULL &&                  // cannot rotate NULL node
            head->next != NULL)) {           // cannot rotate a single node
          int headdata = head->data;         // remember the head data
          NodeT *prev = head;
          for (step=head->next; step != NULL; step=step->next) { // traverse
             prev->data = step->data;        // copy step->data to the LEFT
             prev = step;                    // need to rememebr prev node
          }                                  // prev points to last node
          prev->data = headdata;             // head data is copied to last node