UNSW COMP1921 16s2

COMP1921 Computing 1B (Session 2, 2016)

Units of credit: 6

Handbook entry: http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/2016/COMP1921.html


Name Role Email
Ashesh Mahidadia Lecturer-in-charge ashesh@cse.unsw.edu.au
Mei Cheng Whale Course administrator meicheng@cse.unsw.edu.au


This course assumes basic programming skills, and develops concepts and skills such as Program development and testing, and programming style are important aspects of the course as well. In essence, the aim is to make you a competent programmer.

Assumed Knowledge

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you should: This course contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

Graduate Attribute How Acquired
the skills involved in scholarly enquiry reading documentation and lab work
the capacity for analytical/critical thinking and creative problem solving developing programs in tutes, labs and assignments
the ability to engage in independent and reflective learning exploring the C language in labs
the skills to locate, evaluate and use relevant information reading documentation
the capacity for enterprise, initiative and creativity developing programs in tutes, labs and assignments
a respect for ethical practice and social responsibility building correct programs
the skills of effective communication discussions in tutorials

Course in a nutshell

COMP1921 consists of lectures, tutorials, labs, an assignment and a final exam.

Lectures: are scheduled into a 2-hour block on Monday and a 1-hour block on Wednesday from Weeks 1 to 12. The schedule of lectures can be found on the course website. The material presented during lectures will not be comprehensive. Students are advised to read the course textbook to augment the ideas being presented: the depth and breadth of information presented in the text and references of a similar standard should be used as a guide for your learning.

Should you have any questions on the content or presentation, please don't hesitate to ask during lectures or post them on the course forum. Usually other people will have similar questions.

Tutorials: Tutorials commence in Week 2 and run until Week 13. Tutorials offer a vital chance for you to discuss problems and their solution in more depth with talented programmers. Please make the most of the opportunity by preparing for them and engaging in the discussion.

We will make tutorial questions available by 5pm on the Thursday of the week before they are to be discussed. In general, tutors will not be providing answers to the tutorial questions directly. Their role is to facilitate the tutorial by steering the direction of the solution development and presentation. To get the most from tutorials you must participate in finding and presenting solutions to tutorial questions.

Resources for Students

The recommended text for this course is: The following books might also serve as additional reference material:


Marking generally follows the 50-50% rule: Typically (does not apply to the lab exercises):


Lab exercises will be released by 5pm on Thursday of the week before they are to be attempted.

It is important that you can do the lab exercises on your own. The exercises are the best indicator of what is expected from you in the course. If you can do them 'on time', then you should have no trouble passing this course. (Most lab exercises take between 15 and 30 minutes.)

You will be allowed to pair up in teams of two students from the same lab.

Submitting your lab solutions for assessment requires you to use the submit command shown at the end of every exercise. The number of exercises each week may vary, but is generally between 3 and 5.

Each solution file that you submit will be awarded a number of labmarks between 0 and 2, as follows:

There are 2 conditions:


There are 2 'mid-session' quizzes: one each in weeks 5 and 9.


The assignment is a significant programming exercise and must be done individually. Please pay particular attention to the plagiarism rules. Details of the marking of the assignment will be included in the assignment specification. 15% penalty will be applied to the (maximum) mark for every 24 hours late after the deadline.

Final Examination

There will be a 3-hour final exam. The examination consists of a ''written'' component and a ''coding'' component. The coding part of the exam is worth more than the non-coding part in the exam mark. The exercises in the coding part of the final exam are much like the lab exercises in style and difficulty.

Final Course Mark

The marks that you accumulate throughout the course will be scaled as follows:

Component Mark
labs 10%
quiz_week_5 5%
quiz_week_9 15%
assignment 15%
final_exam_written 20%
final_exam_coding 35%
total 100%

To pass the course, you must achieve:

In other words, 55% of your final course mark comes from actual coding (behind a computer, on your own), and you need to pass this part of the course.


Plagiarism is defined as using the words or ideas of others and presenting them as your own. UNSW and CSE treat plagiarism as academic misconduct, which means that it carries penalties as severe as being excluded from further study at UNSW. There are several on-line sources to help you understand what plagiarism is and how it is dealt with at UNSW: Make sure that you read and understand these. Ignorance is not accepted as an excuse for plagiarism, especially after completing your first semester of study.

Supplementary Examination

You cannot apply for a supplementary examination for any reason. You can apply formally for special consideration:

Supplementary examinations can be full examinations, or they can test just one component in the course such as your programming skills. They may also include an oral component. Note that a supplementary examination is typically more difficult than the original examination to reflect the fact that you have had more preparation time.

Supplementary Assessment:

Note that there will be only one supplementary assessment and no alternative time/dates are possible. Read instructions on this topic in

Course Evaluation

This course is being continuously improved and we will conduct a survey at the end of session to obtain feedback on the quality of the various course components. Your participation in the survey will be greatly appreciated.

Student feedback from the last course offering indicated that students were generally satisfied with the course, but some suggested more guidance and tighter integration of the labs with the lectures. We will endeavour to achieve that in this offering.


Slides, notes, and other material are partially from previous lecturers of this course, especially Michael Thielscher, John Shepherd, and Alistair Moffat's book.