Tutorial Exercises Week 02

Assignment 1

Discuss the assignment. What needs to be completed for the first submission? Think of some testing ideas with your class and your tutor.

Your implementation must keep the lines of a textbuffer in a linked data structure such as a linked list or variant of that. Each line must be represented as a dynamically allocated character array. Discuss what this means.

Exercise 1

Using Stacks and Queues

Consider the following interfaces given in lectures, for a stack and a queue
// Stack.h
typedef struct stackImp *Stack;
//Function Prototypes
Stack createStack( void );
void destroyStack( Stack stack );
Item pop( Stack stack);
void push( Stack stack, Item data);
int stackSize( Stack stack);

// Queue.h
typedef struct queueImp *Queue;
//Function Prototypes
Queue createQueue( void );
void destroyQueue( Queue queue );
Item get( Queue queue);
void put( Queue queue, Item data);
int queueSize( Queue queue);
  1. Using two stack data structures, show how you can implement a queue data structure.

  2. Using two queue data structures, show how you can implement a stack data structure.

  3. Using only the functions for manipulating stacks in the stack interface, write a function that joins the two stacks stack1 and stack2 so that stack1 is "stacked" on stack2.

    Note that the contents of stack1 do not need to be preserved.

    void stackStacks(Stack stack1, Stack stack2);

Exercise 2

Implementing a Stack with a Linked List

Implement the functions from the Stack.h interface given in Exercise 1, using a linked list structure. How will you represent your stack?
typedef struct stackNode * link;

struct stackNode{
    //You need to decide what goes in here

struct stackImp { 
    //You need to decide what goes in here

Assume you have the following local helper function to create Nodes as follows

static link createNode(Item item);

Exercise 3 - Stacks

Write a program which, given a string containing round, curly, and square brackets, will print 'success' if the parentheses are correctly balanced, and 'fail' otherwise.
> ./check_parens "()"
> ./check_parens "([])"
> ./check_parens "([]){}"
> ./check_parens "([]){"
> ./check_parens "([sdfdf]ss)fdfsd"
Hint: the problem is similar to the postfix expression evaluation problem.

Exercise 4 - Function Pointers

Given the following function prototypes and assignments:
int  add (int n1, int n2);
link reverse (link ls);
void square (double *x);

 x1 = add;
 x2 = reverse;
 x3 = square;
Give the correct variable declarations for x1, x2, and x3.

Exercise 5 - Testing

What is the difference between black box and white box testing ADTs?

Exercise 6 - Blackbox testing

Imagine you have the following test file defined in a file called testStack.c and it includes the Stack.h interface from Exercise 1:
#include "Stack.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
    printf("Testing new stack\n");
    Stack s = createStack();
    assert(s->size == 0);
    printf("Test passed\n");
    return 0;
When compiling my test file using
gcc -Wall -Werror -c testStack.c
I get the following compile error
testStack.c:12:5: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
What does this mean?