Tutorial Solutions Week 04

Exercise 1


Trace the addition of the following keys in turn to a heap with maximum on top. Trace it with both the linked tree-based and array heap structures.

55, 45, 41, 75, 81, 79, 14, 55, 24, 86, 73, 35

Trace the deletion of the maximum element (86) from the heap.

   /   \
  45   41
      55                55                   75
     /  \              /  \                 /  \
    45  41   =>       75  41     =>       55   41
   /                  /                   /
  75                 45                  45
     75                  75                   81
    /  \                /  \                 /  \
   55  41    =>       81   41    =>         75  41
  /  \                / \                  /  \
 45  81              45 55                45  55

     81                  81
    /  \                /  \
   75   41   =>        75   79
  /  \  /             /  \  /
 45  55 79           45  55 41
    /    \
   75    79
  /  \   / \
 45  55 41 14
      81                        81
     /  \                     /    \
   75    79                  75    79
   / \   / \                /  \   / \
  45 55 41 14  =>         55   55 41  14
 /                         /  
55                        45 
        /    \
       75     79
      /  \   /  \
     55  55 41  14
    /  \
   45  24
        81                 81
      /    \             /    \
     75     79          75     79
    /  \   / \         /  \   /  \
   55  55 41 14  =>   55  86 41  14  => 
  / \  /             /  \ /   
45 24 86            45 24 55 

        81                 86
      /    \             /    \
    86     79           81    79
    / \    / \         /  \   / \
  55   75 41 14  =>  55   75 41  14
 / \   /            / \   /
45 24 55           45 24 55
        /    \
       /      \
      /        \
     81        79
    /  \       / \
   55   75    41 14
  /  \  / \   /
45   24 55 73 35

array version

The first element at index 0 is not used in our implementation.

x 55
x 55 45
x 55 45 41
x 75 55 41 45
x 81 75 41 45 55
x 81 75 79 45 55 41
x 81 75 79 45 55 41 14
x 81 75 79 55 55 41 14 45
x 81 75 79 55 55 41 14 45 24
x 86 81 79 55 75 41 14 45 24 55
x 86 81 79 55 75 41 14 45 24 55 73
x 86 81 79 55 75 41 14 45 24 55 73 35
Removing the minimum
         35                  81
       /    \              /    \
     81     79            35     79
    /  \   /  \          /  \    /  \
  55   75 41  14  =>    55  75   41 14
 /  \  / \             / \  / \
45 24 55 73          45 24 55 73

         81                  81
       /    \              /    \
     75     79           75      79
    /  \   /  \         /  \    /   \
  55   35 41  14   =>  55  73  41   14
 / \  /  \            / \  / \
45 24 55 73          45 24 55 35

Array version

x 81 75 79 55 73 41 14 45 24 55 35   

Exercise 2

Naive Bubble Sort

1 void bubbleSort(int items[], int n) {
2    int i, j;
4    for(i = n - 1; i > 0 ; i--) {
5        for(j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
6            if (items[j] <  items[j - 1]) {
7                swap(j,j-1,items);
8            }
9        }
10    }
Random order: 3,2,4,8,1
Sorted order: 1,2,3,4,5
Reverse order: 5,4,3,2,1
  1. Show how each of these arrays above change as they are sorted by the program above.
    Showing array at the start and then after each swap
    Random Order
    3 2 4 8 1
    2 3 4 8 1 
    2 3 4 1 8 
    2 3 1 4 8 
    2 1 3 4 8 
    1 2 3 4 8 
    Sorted Order
    1 2 3 4 5
    Reverse Ordered
    5 4 3 2 1
    4 5 3 2 1 
    4 3 5 2 1 
    4 3 2 5 1 
    4 3 2 1 5         
    3 4 2 1 5 
    3 2 4 1 5 
    3 2 1 4 5
    2 3 1 4 5 
    2 1 3 4 5 
    1 2 3 4 5 
  2. How many swaps are performed on the random, sorted, reverse ordered data sets shown above
    random : 5
    sorted : 0
    reverse :10
  3. How many comparisons are peformed on the random, sorted and reverse ordered data sets shown above. By comparison we mean comparing two data elements from the array - we are not including the loop counter comparisons. 10 comparisons no matter what for data of size 5
  4. With each line of code associate a cost and a formula expressing the number of times the C statement on that line will be executed when sorting n items in the worst case.










    n + (n-1) + ... + 1 = (n (n+1)) /2



    (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 = (n (n-1)) /2



    (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 = (n (n-1)) /2

    Because in the worst case the comparison is always true so we always swap
  5. What is the asymptotic worst case time complexity of the algorithm implemented by this program. O(n^2)
  6. What is the time complexity of the algorithm in the best case? We never have to swap or execute line 7 but it is still O(n^2)
  7. Modify the program to implement bubble sort with early exit. What is the asymptotic worst case time complexity now? What is the time complexity now in the best case?
    1 void bubbleSortEE(int items[], int n) {
    2    int i, j;
    3    int done = 0; //added this line
    4    for(i = n - 1; i > 0 && !done ; i--) { //updated this line
             done = 1;           //added this line
    5        for(j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
    6            if (items[j] <  items[j - 1]) {
    7                swap(j,j-1,items);
    8                done  = 0;  //added this line
    9        }
    10    }
    Now in the best case when the data is already in sorted order, inner loop only needs to go through once. No swaps are done and then the outer loop finishes. This makes it O(n) in the best case. In the worst case and overall we still say it is an O(n^2) algorithm.

Exercise 3

Insertion Sort

1 void insertionSort(int items[], int n) {
2    int i, j, key;
4    for(i = 1; i <  n; i++){
5        key = items[i];
6        for(j=i; j > 0 ; j--){
7            if(key < items[j-1]){
8                items[j] = items[j-1]; //item shifts along to make room
9            } else {
10                 break;
11           }  
12       }  
13       items[j]=key;
14    }
  1. Show how each of the arrays from the previous question (sorted, random, reverse), change as they are sorted by the program above. For each one count the number of comparisons and number of shifts.
    Sorted: 4 comparisons and 0 shifts
    1 2 3 4 5
    Random: 7 comparisons and 5 shifts
    3 2 4 8 1 
    At the end of each outer for loop
    2 3 4 8 1 
    2 3 4 8 1 
    2 3 4 8 1 
    1 2 3 4 8 
    Reverse: 10 comparisons and 10 shifts
    5 4 3 2 1
    At the end of each outer for loop
    4 5 3 2 1 
    3 4 5 2 1 
    2 3 4 5 1 
    1 2 3 4 5

  2. With each line of code associate a cost and a formula expressing the number of times the C statement on that line will be executed when sorting n items in the worst case.










    n - 1



    2 + 3 + ... + n = (n (n+1)) /2 - 1



    1 + 2 + ... + (n-1) = (n (n-1)) /2



    1 + 2 + ... + (n-1) = (n (n-1)) /2







  3. What is the asymptotic worst case time complexity of the algorithm implemented by this program. O(n^2)
  4. What is the time complexity of the algorithm implemented by this program in the best case? We always break out of the inner loop after the first comparison, so we only execute lines 6 and 7 n -1 times. We never execute line 8 and we execute line 10 n -1 times. So over all we have a time complexity of O(n) for the best case. We still classify this algorithm as O(n^2) overall as that is its worst case complexity.

Exercise 4

  1. Explain what stability means in the context of sorting A stable sorting algorithm preserves the order of duplicates. An un-stable sorting algorithm does not always preserve the order of duplicates. For example if you had a sorting algorithm that was case insensitive and sorted the following input.
    and the output was
    Then the order of the duplicates "AAAA" and "aaaa" has changed after the data has been sorted. This would prove that the algorithm was unstable as we have found a counter example where stability is not preserved.
  2. Suppose you have an implementation of a sorting algorithm that sorts strings and is case insensitive (for example 'a' and 'A' are considered to be equal). Explain what is wrong with the following argument:

    I ran the following input through the program

    and the output of the program was
    This means my sorting program is stable
Just because the algorithm does not reverse the order of duplicates for this particular data set, does not mean it would not reverse the order of duplicates for any given data set. The algorithm is only stable if for all possible different inputs, the ordering of duplicates is preserved.

Exercise 5

Sorting Linked Lists

Implement selection sort, given the following definition of a linked list

typedef struct node * link;
struct node{
    Item item;
    link next;
link selectionSort(link list){ 
    link sorted = NULL;
    link curr = NULL;
    link prev = NULL;
    link max = NULL;
    link maxPrev = NULL;

    // Keep finding the max in the original list
    // and adding to the front of the sorted list
    // until the original list is empty
    while(list != NULL){
        //Find max
        prev = NULL;
        maxPrev = NULL;
        max = list;
        for(curr = list ;curr!=NULL;curr= curr->next){
           if(curr->item > max->item){
                max = curr;
                maxPrev = prev;
           prev = curr;
        //Remove from original list
        if(maxPrev != NULL){
            maxPrev->next = max->next;
            list  = max->next;
        // Add the max to the front of the sorted list
        max->next = sorted;
        sorted = max;
    return sorted;

This implementation is not stable. An example of why not is that if there were duplicates, the first copy would be put a the front, then the next copy would be put at the front thus reversing the order of duplciates. By changing the code to have >= instead of > when looking for the max it would be.

  if(curr->item >= max->item){
                max = curr;
                maxPrev = prev;

The implementation of selection sort using arrays from lectures is not stable as when the max/min item is selected it is swapped with the item at the appropriate location. When this swap occurs, the item that was at the appropriate location could be swapped to a position that makes it come after any of its duplicates.

Even if we were sorting something simple like 1 1 2 in descending order it would end up reversing the 1s.

This would be harder to make stable without having to shift possibly many items in the array and making the implementation less efficient.