COMP3421 and COMP9415 Computer Graphics 15s2 Course Outline


The aim of this course is to teach the fundamental algorithms underlying computer graphics in both 2D and 3D.

Topics covered include:


The formal prerequisite for this subject is COMP2911 

You are expected to have a working knowledge of:

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

After successfully completing this course you should have knowledge and understanding of

Practical Skills

After successfully completing this course you should be able to use OpenGL to write interactive computer to manipulate and render complex 3D scenes.


Lecturer in Charge: 
Angela Finlayson 

Rob Everest

Oliver Tan

Adam Chyb


Week Day Start Time End Time Location Weeks
        Wednesday 15:00 18:00 Central Lecture Block 6 (K-E19-103) 1 to 12


In week 2 you will have a lab instead of your tutorial. In your normal tutorial time you will go to the piano lab for week 2 only. This is your chance to get help setting up jogl on your laptops too if you need it, so bring them along as well.

Tutorial Classes

Week Day Start Time End Time Location Weeks
M13A Monday 13:00 14:00 Goldstein G02 (K-D16-G02) 3 to 13
M14A Monday 14:00 15:00 Goldstein G07 (K-D16-G07) 3 to 13
W12A Wednesday 12:00 13:00 Quadrangle G031 (K-E15-G031) 3 to 13
W13A Wednesday 13:00 14:00 Quadrangle G031 (K-E15-G031) 3 to 13
W18A Wednesday 18:00 19:00 Quadrangle 1046 (K-E15-1046) 3 to 13
H14A Thursday 14:00 15:00 Quadrangle G041 (K-E15-G041) 3 to 13
H15A Thursday 15:00 16:00 Quadrangle G041 (K-E15-G041) 3 to 13
H16A Thursday 16:00 17:00 Quadrangle G042 (K-E15-G042) 3 to 13


The textbook is Computer Graphics using OpenGL by FS Hill. It doesn't matter whether you have the 3rd or 2nd edition.

The text book uses C++ for its example programs, but you should have no trouble understanding them if you are familiar with Java or C.

For lecture examples and assignments will be using JOGL, a Java interface to the native OpenGL libraries.


Consultation hours for this subject are Tue 2:30-3:30pm in K17-G02


Assessment will be based on 2 assignments and a final exam and is subject to scaling. Contributions are as follows:

Task Value
Assignment 1 15%
Assignment 2 25%
Exam 60%

Assignment 1

Released:Week 2

Due:End of week 5

Covers:2D drawing and transformations in OpenGL

Assignment 2

Released:Week 7

Due:Milestone 1 due end of week 9, final submission due end of week 12. Demo in week 13

Covers:3D drawing and transformations in OpenGL


There will be a two hour final exam at a time to be arranged, covering the entire syllabus.

The exam will be open book. Calculators and rulers will also be allowed into the exam.


Plagiarism (taking the ideas or words of others and passing them off as your own) will not be tolerated. See the UNSW Statement on Plagiarism at:

Teaching Rationale and Strategies

Computer Graphics is fun. You can use it to make cool games and amazing special effects in movies. So learning it should be fun.

Computer Graphics is hard. The reason why the world looks like it does is because there are gazillions of photons bouncing around between all the objects. Simulating all the photons and the properties of the objects is too hard to do, so we have to come up with mathematical approximations and clever algorithms.

So you are going to have to work hard to understand the maths and the algorithms. But then you get the reward of making pretty pictures. Which is even more fun because you have earned it.

Course Feedback and Improvement

Student feedback on this course will be obtained via electronic survey at the end of session and will be used to make continual improvements to the course. Students are also encouraged to provide informal feedback during the session and to let the lecturer in charge know of any problems as soon as they arise. Suggestions will be listened to very openly, positively, constructively and thankfully, and every reasonable effort will be made to address them.

Feedback from the previous session has indicated that some students felt there was not enough emphasis on more modern opengl, such as shaders and retained mode. This session we will be spending more time on these topics and introducing them earlier.