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Breadth-first Search (cont)

BFS algorithm (records visiting order):

visited[] // array of visiting orders, indexed by vertex 0..nV-1

|  Input  graph G, vertices src,dest
|  for all vertices v∈G do
|     visited[v]=-1
|  end for
|  found=false
|  visited[src]=src
|  enqueue src into new queue q
|  while found ∧ q is not empty do
|  |  dequeue v from q
|  |  if v=dest then
|  |     found=true
|  |  else
|  |  |  for each (v,w)∈edges(G) such that visited[w]=-1 do
|  |  |     visited[w]=v
|  |  |     enqueue w into q
|  |  |  end for
|  |  end if
|  end while
|  if found then
|     display path in dest..src order
|  end if

Uses standard queue operations   (enqueue, dequeue, check if empty)