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Exercise #6: Buggy Cycle Check

A graph has a cycle if
  • it has a path of length > 1
  • with start vertex src = end vertex dest
  • and without using any edge more than once
We are not required to give the path, just indicate its presence.

The following DFS cycle check has two bugs. Find them.

|  Input  graph G
|  Output true if G has a cycle, false otherwise
|  choose any vertex v∈G
|  return dfsCycleCheck(G,v)

|  mark v as visited
|  for each (v,w)∈edges(G) do
|  |  if w has been visited then   // found cycle
|  |     return true
|  |  else if dfsCycleCheck(G,w) then
|  |     return true
|  end for
|  return false                    // no cycle at v